PM2K16: Yehaa Bob & Off Kilter... THE BIG REVEAL!!!

How cool is this that we can generate real Disney art on a t-shirt in tribute to all of the cast members and shows that we love! Thank you so much for doing this Jeff! I'm sure that the artists that we immortalize on these t-shirts REALLY appreciate it...

That just made me think of an awesome idea for an Off Kilter shirt should they ever have a reunion during a PixelMania...

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You mean like how they're playing at Celebration on Saturday 10/22?

I hate you for this... Fine... Whatever... I've got this guy you see...

FYI, Adam (who designed our shirts) won the "Drink & Draw" competition they held last night at the convention. The drawing options were either a Wizard Magazine cover, a gender swap superhero or the 5-Line challenge (where the host randomly draws five lines on your page and you have to come up with a design from that). He combined all three for the win. However, it is most definitely NSFW and can only be shown privately [emoji850]...

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It's in the works. Luckily, at least for basic white tees, my new printer can have them done in a week or so. (Unlike the old printer who could take anywhere from a week to a couple months)

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It's not quite last call to place an "order" for this shirt (since I'm waiting on the Off Kilter art)... But I wanted to bump this just in case somebody hasn't gotten their request in. The shirts (and the Off Kilter shirts) will be $12.50 each ($1.50 added for each size up starting at 2X)...

I should have the art for Off Kilter next weekend, figure a week to take orders, then sending it off to the printers so I will have it back in time for PixelMania. I don't think I'll have enough time to mail them to everyone ahead of time, but will let you know once I have them in hand and you can make that decision.

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Add one medium Off Kilter shirt for me, please. That makes one of each, both medium. Of course, I already have the Off Kilter Kickstarter and new CD release party shirts plus a couple of OK hats. I may add to that collection in a couple of weeks when they're here for the Indy Irish Fest.
So I got the preliminary art from Adam today and I must say it looks just as awesome as his other shirt designs. And I think it fits with the PixelManiac sense of humor perfectly. Hopefully I'll have it by this weekend as he just needs to detail out the flat art portion.
Don't think it popped up in the timeline correctly when I updated the original post... So here it is... Off Kilter!


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