Photo Game: Show Me...

Dessert at Boma


Show me a Disney garden
Here's one, almost finished:


That was NOT easy to find a photo of!!

OK...Show me...A poster or flyer in the parks!

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Well these guys are about as close as anything in Animal Kingdom comes to looking like a cage (since they take such pains to make things look natural and open):


Now, show me...A wide open mouth! ; (yawns, screams, or laughs all count, and animal or human OK)
OK! ; Didn't think I was going to be able to come up with one for this...but I dug through the archives and came upon a shot that qualifies:


This was in May 2004 - the 10-year anniversary celebration for the Wilderness Lodge opening. ; They had massive layered sheet cakes (yummy too!) and passed them out to whoever was there. me...A shot taken from a moving ride!

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Here is a shot from the Disneyland railroad: The Grand Canyon


Show me a photo taken when it was really cold at WDW or DL.

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Here is my Son with his jacket on inside the Monorail. Temp was about 50's during the day & windy.

Show Me.... Movie Theatre inside Casey's Corner.
Darn...I had my cold weather shot - mid-40s and biting wind:


But I don't have the movie theater inside Casey's Corner...only the outside.

So it's up to someone else on that one!
OK...been 24 hours and noone posted the theater inside Casey's I'll post as close as I can get...the outside of Casey's Corner:


Now...Show me...Someone wearing a mickey or minnie ear hat!
My lovely daughter in December 2004. She keeps this hat in her room and wears it regularly, still :):

Show me ... Kilimanjaro Safaries!
ok, here is one from the casey's corner movie theatre area...

and here is someone sitting on a bench...

show me... ; ice cream!