Photo Game: Show Me...

Look close...Mike's there on the sign:


(Didn't have any others...but it is a Monsters Inc character!)

Show me: Balloons! (one, many...whatever!)
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Who is this guy with the lovely lady? Be he a prince? I think so!


So now Show Me...Something from the Old West (of the U.S.)!

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This is from Frontierland. I had a better one but there were about 50 people faces in it, LOL.

Show me ... the fiber optic sidewalk at EPCOT!
got it! took a while for me to remember where I had these photos!

show me chip or dale

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I found a theme while going through my pictures. We tend to go inside somewhere before the sun sets and then emerge into full darkness. So I guess I need to put "Sunset Picture" on my list!

Here's one of an earlyish sunset over EPCOT:

Show me ... the detail of any lamppost or fence.