panasonic lumix G1 wdw christmas adventure

Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

and the g1 went on a safari ride


the baby elephant was playing, chasing off one of those turkey vultures


and the elusive cheetah's were up and about, i guess for the guests as the animatronic lions were nowhere to be seen

Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

where the animatronic lions?
Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

thanks chris, that's the only time i've ever seen the cheetah's on their feet, and i'll bet i've ridden the safari 50 or more times over the years

so let's keep moving around with the g1, spirit of america doing the show


love to get down low and shoot into the detail of the germany outside train set, 45-200 lens, 35mm fov 90-400

Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

i suspect the lions were in the shop for a hydraulic overhaul for the upcoming christmas rush, perhaps some paint and furrier work on the manes and animatronically correct parts
Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

christmas storyteller in germany


and the lazy tired pixelmaniac rides the friendship to dhs instead of walking it

Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

where i score a dead center, 5 rows up seat for the last beauty & the beast of the day
all shots with the 45-200 on


the true test shot from this show, the sundae lady, with some serious pinker than barbie pink


and a shot i've tried to get for years, they usually sit too far up for seats further back, and you end up with the rose partly or totally obscured

panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

More great stuff! ; Thanks for sharing all these!

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Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

sorry i wasn't able to join you folks. ;
Re: panasonic lumix wdw christmas adventure

that's ok, t-mip was reppin, some trinkets were given out, some website references given

and let's not forget the dapper dans, hard to get a shot without guests, they keep walking behind them, even though the crowd out in the middle of main street facing the performers should give them a clue
