No Lights of Winter This Year?

"WDWFigment" said:
If those guests don't matter to Disney, the company is erring. ;

I don't think they think like that, but in general APs (and I'm sure they either think or know that DVC members) are less likely to spend as much money during a trip as once in a few years or longer guests. ; If you're in the parks more often than not, you won't be as tempted to spend money on items when you'll know you'll be back again.....

This is more problematic in California, as APs have no problem leaving the park and walking across the street to go to Denny's to eat. ; Out of towners probably don't want to leave the park because it's the experience they are after....

As you put it, both types of customers matter. ; It was more justifiable back when the economy was hot (especially since space in the parks and resorts is finite) to go for the big bucks, but now that things aren't so hot, the flaws with that plan are becoming clear.

Bingo. ; I think the new management in TDB knows this but there is still some remnants of the Old Guard left in place...

You didn't imply that 9/11 was Disney's fault. ; I was just distinguishing your comparison on that basis.

Before 9/11 there were executives at TDLBV that believed nothing could disrupt the flow of guests coming to WDW. ; They were wrong.
It's about balance. Each person, when they come into contact with the Disney brand, either have a preconceived notion of what their experience will mean, or they formulate their own upon arrival.

We’re talking about lending more weight to the minority (DVC, AP, Die Hard Fan Boys, etc) rather then the majority of guests (first time, casual) who really just want a quality experience, and wouldn’t know ISW from ISWNM, and more importantly, don’t care! Do we generally allow the minority to rule?

To illustrate the absurd with the absurd, Picture 2009 MK with 1971 attractions. No updates, nothing but maintenance. How much fun would it be to see PoC and JC AAs move with glacial speed because they never installed compliance? How COOL would the park be without BTM and SM? What would we think of the plush character costumes, or of an electrical light parade that was dull compared to our own Christmas lights? Or better yet, how about some 70’s era greasy hamburgers and fries only?

Yumm...give me some seconds of that staleness!

‘Our parks’ are not museums. They are living breathing things and have to change and evolve in order to give us new attractions.

Are we seriously wasting time complaining about what we really want the parks to do; keep it fresh and entertaining for generations to come?
"mPower" said:
Do we generally allow the minority to rule?

Ultimately, The Disney Theme Parks are about customer service. ; When I worked in the customer service field (fine dining), it was the people who came often that got the most respect. ; Didn't mean they always got what they wanted but they would definitely have the ability to bump someone off a reservation who is an unknown.

We also frequent a restaurant where management often comps portions of our meal because we eat there every week.

I think many of the repeat visitors don't want a museum, they just don't want their product to be diluted or devalued in an effort to lure one time visitors
"Grumpwurst" said:
Ultimately, The Disney Theme Parks are about customer service. ; When I worked in the customer service field (fine dining), it was the people who came often that got the most respect. ; Didn't mean they always got what they wanted but they would definitely have the ability to bump someone off a reservation who is an unknown.

We also frequent a restaurant where management often comps portions of our meal because we eat there every week.

I think many of the repeat visitors don't want a museum, they just don't want their product to be diluted or devalued in an effort to lure one time visitors

Well said.
gary's .02, probably half of our trips have been for 2 special times of the year, october for food and wine, with certain attendance at not so scary
and the first or 2nd week of december, for mf with certain attendance at very merry xmas
and a string of uninterrupted dec trips dating back to radp 4 in 1999, that's 10 years of wdw xmas, and yes we have seen what karen and i both perceive as a decline in the special experience wdw in christmas decoration means to us
starting in 2001, yes i realize attendance was off, but that was a fear of travel that anyone with half a brain realized would eventually reduce, what we saw happening was a noticeable decline in maintenance, ie: hedges not trimmed, fallen leaves not raked up,followed by less garland, less lights, and within 3 years it was pretty noticeable how much less xmas decorations were out, particularly at the resorts, the last 3 years it appears to be ever so slowly returning to past glory, and then the ultimate indignity, no christmas country bears. if they try to justify it by saying no extra people were going into the attraction, well how would you get any extra walk ins?, by cutting out the one special show that many loved and miss??
i just fear that one by one what the bean counters view as extra's, not needed, will go the way of the bears, this year lights of winter, 2 years down the road, they start whittling away at osborne lights, until one day al that's left is the manger in a corner and a couple of overhead light figures that don't even blink to the nonexistent music, after that one by one the caroling groups dissapear, then the narration of candelight becomes a recorded narator, followed by no voices of liberty, then the massed choirs becomes a handful of employees joined by whover wanted to wander over from the local church, accompanied by a recorded orchestra
where oh where will the brutality end,