Lego Pirates of the Caribbean


Staff member

IGN is reporting that Lego Pirates of the Caribbean is coming to video game consoles in May or Early Summer of this year. ;
Like a loveable, family-friendly Keyser Soze, the LEGO franchise is unstoppable. Having spent much of the past decade working with Lucasarts and Warner Bros to turn iconic films into charming videogame adventures, Traveller's Tales has now turned its attention to Disney. And what better franchise is there for the comedy-minifigure treatment than the already exuberant and over-the-top Pirates of the Caribbean?

Unveiled to the world last week at TT's Knutsford studio, LEGO Pirates of the Carribbean is the most ambitious LEGO game yet. It's being released at the same time as the next film in May this year, which is a first for the series, and covers all four Pirates films, from Curse of the Black Pearl through to the forthcoming On Stranger Tides. In keeping with tradition, it's cute, funny and admirably accessible – the adventuresome, piratey antics of Cap'n Jack and crew fit perfectly with the LEGO aesthetic and slapstick sense of humour.

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game re-creates the action, adventure and memorable moments of the Pirates of the Caribbean mythology in LEGO form, incorporating the humor of LEGO minifigures and fantastic worlds built from LEGO bricks and elements for players to explore.

Players can take on the roles of more than 70 characters and experience the pirate adventure, irreverent humor and amazing creatures of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, through action-adventure gameplay and hilariously quirky LEGO cut scenes. Throughout the game, players will also have the freedom to explore environments from the highly acclaimed movie series in more than 20 levels. The game features two-player cooperative mode, in which players each control a character to experience the story together, and freeplay mode, which lets players return to levels to discover new items.
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Disney Interactive Studios
Developer: TT Games
From a previous report on IGN:

Disney Interactive Studios ; has revealed that it's set to bring the swashbuckling world of Jack ; Sparrow and friends on a collision course with everybody's favourite ; block-based toy in the form of LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game. ;
; Developed by Traveller's Tales, it's the latest in the LEGO video game ; series that's so far seen outings for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry ; Potter and Batman, and it's set to arrive alongside the forthcoming ; movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides in May next year. ;
; It promises LEGO-ised versions of familiar stories, characters and ; locations from the Pirates universe and features "pirate adventure, ; irreverent humor and amazing creatures of the Pirates of the Caribbean ; films" across over 20 levels and co-op play. ;
; LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game is scheduled to release on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS and PC.
I had heard about this around Christmas, and can not wait for it. ; I have Star Wars Lego for the Wii and have played Batman and Harry Potter. ; This will be a welcomed addition to the mix.
I too saw this before Christmas, but count me in on getting it the first day!! ; Love all the Lego video games!
Count me in on the purchase also. ; I still have to get "Lego Harry Potter" and the upcoming "Clone Wars", but I love the playability and humor in all the Lego games.

brought to you by an (HTC) "Incredible" Guy.
I forgot LEGO CLone wars comes out in about 2 weeks if I remember correctly. ; I really enjoyed the Harry Potter one!
So, anyone out there get this yet? ; My daughter and I have been playing a lot lately, only video game she wants to play, otherwise it is all Bieber, all the time!
I got it the day it came out. ; It's a typical Lego video game, but a lot of fun. ; Billy and I play it quite often.