Goin' to Disneyland!

Captured this from MouseBuzz.com

The reservation system of the new World of Color show is going to be operated like the Fast Pass System, the Resort is doing it this way so A) Annual Passholders can't get all of the seating spots and B) So people don't sit out for hours reserving their seats - this will offer all guests an equal opportunity to see the show - annual passholder or not. The Ticket System (the name runs from my mind at the moment) will be ran out of the old Fast Pass Machines over at "It's Tough to be a Bug" attraction in A Bug's Land....for the current time, basically its a first come first serve basis, you can start getting tickets for the show when DCA opens, you insert your ticket just like the Fast Pass Machines and in return you get your pass into the viewing area for the show (the earlier you get your ticket the more likely chances are you will get to see the first showing of WOC). Starting at a certain time in the afternoon/evening CM's will then start accepting your ticket you got earlier in the day and in return will let you into the Paradise Park/WOC viewing area (mind you this show will be a Stand-Only show, no sitting - this maximizes guest attendance). Expect large lines to be at DCA most likely hours before the park opens as people will want to get a ticket for the show to ensure their spot for the shows Nightly performance (and as of now Management is pressing to have 3 nightly showings of WOC for the summer season since they will be expecting very large crowds to come and see it).

I hope we can get to see this while we are there (mid July I think)
"Paul" said:
Captured this from MouseBuzz.com

The reservation system of the new World of Color show is going to be operated like the Fast Pass System, the Resort is doing it this way so A) Annual Passholders can't get all of the seating spots

I think I'm reading this now to mean that they want everyone to have an equal shot of getting a ticket, BUT...unless they only allow X% of the fastpasses to go to APs, this will not work.

Because the line of people to get into DCA at ropedrop will be APs, not regular guests. ; They will get the FP and then go over to DL until nightfall.

If they don't restrict the APs getting passes, this system will not work.

If they do, they better have signage explaining it. ; Like "All AP Showpasses Distributed" or else this will make Light Tragic seem like a walk in the park. ; Hell hath no fury like a passholder scorned. ; There is a big reason why they won't have AP previews for it.

They'll probably have a D23 preview though. ; I except Disney's servers to melt on that day.
I don't think DCA opens early...it's usually DL that does that. ; DCA follows Epcot's decision (some parts open 1-2 hours after main gate opening), and most of the thrill rides are in that area (Screamin, Soarin). ; Also, certain park hoppers give you early entrance priv. as well.
Semi-worst fears have been realized, and my Disneyland trip has been....

moved up! ; Now I just have to scramble to make arrangements!
"Tim" said:
Leaving the kids home?

Yes, the fur kids are old enough now to babysit....j/k

All of us are going I'm just not used to saying Nancy, the kids and I yet.

We are staying at the Grand Cali and sadly the cost of our accommodations and park tickets was about the same prices as our airfare for 3 (Kai is now 2 which means he has to pay full rate on Southwest)

We are planning on going to WDW around October (after Free Dining and while Food & Wine is still going on) so we are giving serious consideration to buying the coast-to-coast pass.
Ray, I'm glad y'all are safe after the storm(s). ; Did you already file an insurance claim[nb]I actually waited one year for me, kept the vulture roofing companies at bay[/nb], or do you happen to have one of those homes with a more hail-resistive roof[nb]Our roof was totaled, and that was just from the hail.[/nb]?

We have not made a claim on our house yet. ; We have no visible damage and I'm in the queue to get a roofer out to inspect it (I am using a roofer highly regarded by a home builder friend of mine). ; I don't have the impact resistant shingles but I do have some of the nicer shingles rated for a few decades
"Grumpwurst" said:
; I don't have the impact resistant shingles but I do have some of the nicer shingles rated for a few decades

I'm guessing the roofer will find damage. ; Even the 30 year shingles don't seem to last that long against golf ball sized hail. ; I hope your cars were garaged!
Yes, our cars were garaged. ; My brother was not so lucky. ; He lives in Moore, OK and got nailed by softball sized hail and it totaled both of his cars
"DallasDisneyDork" said:

Sorry to hear that Roger. ; What happened?

Well lots of things. ; We're putting our son into a private school camp this summer (which means two other trips), and the session begins right when we were originally going to be coming back from CA, so I rescheduled it for next week. ; Then that ended up conflicting with something that came up after I rescheduled it. ; The only free week left was 7/4, which is not a good time to go to DL, even with AP blockouts.

Partially I was kind of glad because I was going to miss WoC completely with the reschedule. ; They are soft opening the show on 6/10 for the media, with the real opening on 6/11. ; It worries me somewhat as this is almost the same pattern they followed with Light Magic. ; They better get the crowd control right quickly!

In return I get to go to Pixelmania, so that's the good thing.