Find the Swirly Thingies! (REVEALED)

Re: Find the Swirly Thingies!

It sure looks like the sides of the registers for the quick service area, but you said not inside. Would it be on the Beer cart that is lakeside in front of China?
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Re: Find the Swirly Thingies!

For some odd reason, the speakers installed for Tapestry around the Tea Drink Shop (across from the entrance gate) are tugging at my memory. Specifically the covers of them.
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Re: Find the Swirly Thingies!

Not the beer cart...or the registers. And not the speakers either. Nice tries...keep checking out the China pavilion, and see if you can find it in there somewhere. If noone can find it by tonight when I get home from work, I'll post the original.
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Not the trinket carts. I'm guessing I may have picked something a tad too obscure! It is actually quite noticeable - it's outdoors, and is probably passed by nearly everyone that goes through China exhibit...but since it's a close crop of a detail, it may just be a bit too close-up to guess what it is.

So I'll reveal the item...

It's the very ornate hanging bell object that sits to the right just as you head outside from the theater, or the wide covered shops at the back of the pavilion.

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Good one Justin! The colors are the not the ones I tend to associate with the China Pavilion (bright reds, green, blues) which really threw me off!