Disney Dream 4-Night Cruise

I never looked at the shows on the Navigators. ; I really think, as I have stated before, such warnings are for flash photography because most people do not know how to turn off flash on their Point & Shoot type of cameras. ; So, they ban all photography. ; I took lots of photos and, since I wasn't using flash, no one cared.

Before the show started, they specifically said No Flash Photography. ; Of course, they say that for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, too. ; I had a flash happy guest in my boat the last time who took 10 shots in every scene. ; I was surprised they did not make an announcement it was so bad. ; Killed my experience.
"Scottwdw" said:
No flash photography is allowed or video taping. That is all they said.
That reminds me of when I was out at Disneyland a few months ago. ; Before going into "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln" I asked the usher if it was no flash photography or no photography. ; He said it was the latter. ; Once inside, he started to say "no flash..." saw me going for my camera bag, and corrected himself to say "no photography". ; So close. ; As for dark rides, it doesnt bother me too much unless the person is just to the left or right and behind me (so I would be blinded with every shot).

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Great blog! ; I am looking forward to my first cruise as a couple since our honeymoon when we sail in November of 2013!
Scott, what lens did you find yourself using most?

We leave in 6 days! Well 5 now since the ship leaves port at 5 o'clock on Saturday! ; Taking all my gear so Im hoping to get some decent pictures! Lets hope the weather clears up. If I'm counting correctly this week the Fantasy is doing a Western Carribean Itinerary which means they might be keeping company with TS Debby - yuck!

I used the 28-300VR (18-200mm range for cropped bodies) the most with the Tokina 11-16mm wide angle zoom lens the only other lens I used. ; The wide angle came in handy for both the Nassau excursion and on the ship to cover the close in quarters. ; As well as the vistas from Fort Fincastle and the Queen's Staircase.
OMG I wish I had an 18-200...would make my life easier. Everything's going with me. ; Picked up a 10 dollar lens case so I can carry my body and one extra lens when I go out - I think that'll do...but which one? :)
The fireworks are very close to the ship off to the right of the funnelvision (at least that's were it was on the night I was there, check with your dining servers as they know all!). ; I found the 28mm (your 18mm) to be sufficient. ; Of course, you might want to try something different. ; :)
Thanks Scott! Know their that close I'll take my 18-55 and maybe my 10-24...WIIIIIDE angle fireworks. ; Don't think my 50mm would do anything spectacular and 55-250...woah too close. Those would probably be my best bet for the party. Oh shoot I might want my 55-250. *sigh* decisions, decisions. I don't feel like carrying my whole bag to the party!
Awesome series, Scott. ; My wife is doing some homework on whether we want to plan our first ever cruise. ; I am sure she will LOVE these. ;
Tim, I toured the kids clubs and they are fabulous. ; So much for them to do to give you and Mrs. Devine a vacation break. Like everything Disney, you can do stuff together when you want. ; Very flexible.

My one suggestion if you are also going to do WDW at the same time, do the cruise LAST. ;
Okay one more questions. ; Obviously my DSLR won't be going on all the excursions (Regatta excursion at Saint Maarten and Beach Day at Castaway Cay). But I WILL be taking it on our tour of St. John. Here is the description from the website

On this tour you will:Depart via ferry-style boat to St. John, known as the "Emerald of the Caribbean", and enjoy an approximate 45-minute scenic cruise along the south coast of St. Thomas and beautiful off-shore Islands to St. John.Arrive in the charming town of Cruz Bay and board an open-air safari bus for a scenic drive around this beautiful island. Along the way, your driver/guide will provide insights about the island's rich history, lush tropical foliage and its indigenous wildlife.See white sand beaches, views of the British Virgin Islands and the picturesque Annaberg Ruins where you're invited to revel in the timeless beauty of an abandoned plantation house and stand in the shadow of an ancient sugar mill.Stop at scenic overlooks, such as Cinnamon Bay, Trunk Bay, Hawksnest Bay and Caneel Bay, overlooking the famous Rockefeller Plantation.Conclude at the National Park dock in the quaint town of Cruz Bay, where you will have a short period of time for shopping in some of the local stores prior to boarding your tour boat for the return journey to St. Thomas and your ship.
Knowing that - which of my lenses do you think I should take? I can take two - one on the body and one extra if I don't take my smaller camera bag and just my extra lens case. ; Might just take the shoulder camera bag in that case I'll be able to take 3.
Here's my take...the wide angle for the beach scenics and the 55-250 for the rest. ; Zoom lens make for fine landscape lenses as it sounds like the overlooks will be vistas which do not translate well with wide angle UNLESS you get something in the foreground. ; People, buildings, beach, tour bus..the idea is to get something in the foreground, middle ground and background. ; Since the tour will be during the day, light will be from above and not early morning or late day angles. ; Anther reason to use the telephoto. ; To pull in details in harsh light. ; A flash will come in handy for fill, especially if you take photos of people.

At the plantation house, the wide angle will be fun to use in the rooms and looking out windows. ; Be careful of distortion (unless you want it) by keeping the lens as perpendicular as possible to buildings.