Could this be the Fantasy?


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Hey ; all, I had posted a while ago a link to the ship yard that was building ; the Disney Dream. ; I know they only update the site once a week with ; new photos but it is still neat to watch the changes.

Ok, so the reason I am posting about this again, is that I went on their ; site again today, and there is another ship in front of the Dream and I ; am wondering if it is the Fantasy.

Here is the LINK, thoughts?
That would be really awesome! ; I wonder though, they have not done any publicity photos for the Fantasy. ; I suppose they are keeping this one more quiet with the Dream being the major push and they could spring on everyone in January that the Fantasy is already under construction. ; I have been wondering what is up with the Fantasy.
I don't know but I'm hoping it goes to Hawaii. ; Don't know how they're gonna work that one out, but a girl can dream of her Fantasy. ; ;)
DCL has a spot in the port at Oahu for May and Sept. 2012, many people saying could be a repositioning cruise to/from Alaskan and Mexican Riviera on the Wonder, no word from DCL though.
If I remember correctly they are going to be sending the Wonder or the Magic westward after the Dream arrives. ; I think I had heard permanently, so this will be something to watch and see.
You are correct about the Wonder, it heads out west just after the New Year. ; I just hope we get more info on the Fantasy sooner rather than later.
I am willing to bet that it will stay on the east coast, and that they will then send the Magic westward once the Fantasy arrives. ; Just a hunch on my part, mostly because Disney is spending a lot of money on port upgrades for the new ship.