For the Studios, I suggest adding on Toy Story and multiple Star Tours rides. ; There are 11 scenes on Star Tours (making 54 combinations) so, depending on your luck, it may take many rides to see them all. ; Toy Story is just plain addictive. ; Tower of Terror may require more rides, too; the lobby is full of details.
Also be sure to take in the Citizens of Hollywood on the streets of the Studios. ; They're fun and photogenic.
Be sure to wander around the New Fantasyland section of the Magic Kingdom. ; It's very pretty.
Stop and see Divine in Animal Kingdom. ; Her times are posted on the tip board at the front of the park.
I'm a big fan of all the music in the parks. ; Keep an eye on your times guide and be sure and stop to enjoy the show.
The current predictions from show the crowd levels to be pretty low during your dates, so you should easily be able to take in all of the attractions you want.
Also be sure to take in the Citizens of Hollywood on the streets of the Studios. ; They're fun and photogenic.
Be sure to wander around the New Fantasyland section of the Magic Kingdom. ; It's very pretty.
Stop and see Divine in Animal Kingdom. ; Her times are posted on the tip board at the front of the park.
I'm a big fan of all the music in the parks. ; Keep an eye on your times guide and be sure and stop to enjoy the show.
The current predictions from show the crowd levels to be pretty low during your dates, so you should easily be able to take in all of the attractions you want.