All set for PixelMania 2010... (11/28 to 12/7) (and 2/25 to 3/3)

Having both of them the same week would leave no time to eat or sleep! ;

you got to sleep?????
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Re: All set for PixelMania 2010... (11/28 to 12/7)

D23 Event Announced: December 11-12, 2010: "Magic and Merriment" weekend at the Walt Disney World Resort;
I'll plead ignorant to what the WDW Today I'm really not part of any other Disney groups. ; So I don't know how all-encompassing their events are during the days and how it would impact Pixelmania. ; However, just a curious question: ; Since before Pixelmania, TMIP had 2 years at Mousefest, where lots of other groups were doing events/walks/meets, would it really be that hard to work out schedules with the other groups in a way that works well for all? ; And maybe with a little overlap here and there, like at Mousefest?

Just wondering. ; I'd only be going to TMIP events myself. ; Even when it was part of Mousefest, I never even registered for Mousefest...I was there only for TMIP. ; So I have little experience in trying to hit different gatherings from different groups in the same weekend.
WDW Today is a podcast, found at ; They have a fairly large following and, like most other Mousefest veterans, wanted to continue the fun of a December gathering. ; Their meet schedule ( was similar to that of Pixelmania - just a few meets every day with plenty of time between them. ; But those gaps were quickly filled with either impromptu meets or, in my case, meets organized by other groups.

Just for fun, I dug out my Mousefest schedule from 2008. ; There frequently were two or three simultaneous meets. ; At times it was very difficult to pick which one to attend.

We all saw how dynamic the Pixelmania schedule became. ; Can you imaging trying to keep up with that as well as attend other meets? ; I don't think I would have to discipline to do it.

"gary" said:
you got to sleep?

That's one advantage to not sharing a room.
Re: All set for PixelMania 2010... (11/28 to 12/7)

Ah memories of Mousefest... early mornings, super late nights (even later if you were a webmaster, blogger, or podcaster because you spent a hour or so at night working), wonky temps, not spending a lot of quality time getting to know people, lots of park hopping, little food. You were almost guaranteed to be sick when you got home.

WDW Reunion and Pixelmania - same group of people, a lot more bonding time, staying in one park the whole day, meals, more relaxed.
Makes sense...glad for the explanation. ; My version of Mousefest was pretty much the same as Pixelmania - I was soloing, had my own place, ran my own relaxed schedule, and whenever TMIP had something going on, I showed up. ; Afterwards, if nothing else was organized, I was on my own to relax and enjoy again. ; So it never seemed any different to me!

However, in hindsight, I do remember Tim getting a certain 'glazed' look by day 2, and by day 3 looking not unlike a I guess the Mousefest schedule ran him a bit ragged! ; Pixelmania, I think Tim only reached the glazed look...I never saw full zombie.
Re: All set for PixelMania 2010... (11/28 to 12/7)

Well, I am going the week after Thanksgiving no matter what (Like I said before vacation has been set). ; If it works out... Great. ; If not, well that's they way the cookie crumbles (unless it is one of those Bite Size cookies you can eat in one bite).
Well, if you all settle on a date, I'll try and get my lovely Mrs to agree to let me desert her and the fam for a weekend of Pixelmania -- I just never get to spend as much time as I'd like focusing on photography -- pun intended.


So a power outage and subsequent Emergency Response I got to test the 4 Point Star Filter on the Camera tonight. ; The weird thing is how angle made a big difference. ; Shooting the Fire Truck from one spot allowed the Point Strips to be seen completely, but moving 5 feet to the left only left the Light Stars. ; Anyway, here is the best shot. ; Can't wait to use this on Main Street!
polymedic reached the full on zombie status, and all the roomies got to see it, jeff out cold with the tv remote still c,lutched in hand
"gary" said:
polymedic reached the full on zombie status, and all the roomies got to see it, jeff out cold with the tv remote still c,lutched in hand

It's a paramedic thing.
Hey I have no shame for passing out like that. ; I can do that anytime and anywhere. ; It is part of the job, (EMS = Earn Money Sleeping! ;)) ; As for a second coming of Pixelmania! ; I am all for it, and I will pass out again, BUT that also allowed me to carry through the rest of the trip. ; Bring it on! ; I'm ready for Round 2! ; How about you Tim? ;)