Who loves Disney Transportation!?

Very cool shots...that's a first for me too! Never saw a broken down monorail, and never saw one of those tow units.
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That's cool. I've seen the tractor before. Sometimes on the Magic Behind Our Steam Trains Tour, they have one sitting out on the beam back at the roundhouse, but I've never seen it in action.
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AARRH!! There be pirates in the seven seas lagoon!!

Pirate Cruise

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Might as well add a train shot I picked up last week - this time it's the Walter E:

Well I had to bring this thread back up because I finally grabbed a shot of one of the missing modes of transportation...the Conservation Station train:


And I thought I'd throw in another monorail shot...just because:


Any more transportation shots by anyone?
Well, Transportation thread's been quiet, and I realized even I forgot to update some transportation latest additions. So, here are some more Transportation shots I've added since October:

This was an old 2003 shot I took on the roof of the Contemporary of the Monorail near the station at MK:


Here's the monorail pulling in at the Transportation & Ticket Center:


I never did a silhouette of a bus stop at sunset before...so this time at AK I decided it was time!:


Back to the Monorail in January...it presented itself nicely on a crisp, clear day while passing through Epcot:



In December, it was Monorail Orange, captured passing by Mission Space:



This one I figure counts, in the category of 'retired transportation'. Transportation at Disney being classified as any conveyance that takes you from point A to point B (those that take you only back to where you started classify as rides)...the Skyway was a true piece of transportation. The pretty old Fantasyland station, lonely and almost forgotten:


Anyone else gathered up some transportation shots in the last 6 months or so that haven't posted here yet?
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"zackiedawg" said:
This one I figure counts, in the category of 'retired transportation'. Transportation at Disney being classified as any conveyance that takes you from point A to point B (those that take you only back to where you started classify as rides)...the Skyway was a true piece of transportation.

Hey now!

That means:
Spaceship Earth

should also be transportation. They don't take you back to where you started.
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Let's say you have to get at least to another building, or at least 500 feet from where you started! ;)

So far, I'd consider transportation to be:

Parking lot Trams
Resort passenger boats
Epcot passenger boats
Magic Kingdom ferry boats
Main Street horse drawn carriages
Main Street antique cars
Main Street antique firetruck
Disney train
AK train
Disney busses
Fort Wilderness golf carts
Resort courtesy check-in golf carts

There may be more...but that's what I can think of at the moment!
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I've got a few additions to the list:

EPCOT Double Decker Buses
Main Street Double Decker Bus
Tom Sawyer Island Rafts

and don't forget the Fort Wilderness Railroad
I don't think I have pictures of any of them... FWRR closed in the early 80's before my first trip in '86. I haven't seen the double decker buses in the parks in a long time, and I never bothered to take pictures of them.
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I've got exactly 1 shot of the double-decker busses from Epcot - and it wasn't even when they were for passengers. This was after they had stopped - they used them to drive characters around the park playing music. It's an old snapshot with a 2mp camera in 2003:

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anybody have a shot of the junkanoo bus, they had the band and dancers with the caribbean music, you could buy a margarita or other boat drink from a side window??
Nope...dug through even my unposted archives and looks like I never snapped the Junkanoo. I remember it well...just never snapped it.

But since I was digging through archives, I did find an additional transportation I hadn't posted, since it's an older pic not uploaded to my online gallery.

It's the Main Street horse-drawn cart:

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Check out my posts to 'Alphabetical'...on this one I used the upload feature, whereas on the Alphabetical thread I linked from my own gallery.

FYI - I'm on IE7, and the above pic is normal.
OK...got a few more now that I've hit the archives!

First off, I hadn't posted a parking lot tram yet...so here it is!:


And after some digging, I found one of the old Epcot World Showcase double-deckers:


Here's the Ticket & Transportation ferry pulling into Magic Kingdom at sunset, as seen from the roof of the Contemporary:


Just to keep filling in the holes!