Who loves Disney Transportation!?

Nice shot - I like the wide closeup perspective that makes it look 'zoomy'.

I guess can throw in a few more here on this thread, since I've continued to go through the archives a bit lately.

Train in old-timey processing:


Inside a Disney bus on a crowded ride home, in 1950's beat reporter style:


Friendship boat in Epcot:


Disney Magic cruise ship:

Thanks Craig. ; I don't think everyone else there loved it, but I just had to do it. ; I was standing room only myself, and my hand with the camera wrapped around the wrist was up in the air...I decided I would turn it on, engage the flash, and take a blind overhead shot of the crowded bus. ; It just seemed to want some B&W treatment once I saw it.

Paul, I like YOUR bus shot! ; Nice to catch it coming around the corner like that.
The Port Orleans boat is parked right in the left foreground of this shot...so I'm a bumpin the transportation thread back up with it!:

Horse Drawn Carriage

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Safari Truck

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A means of transportation we haven't seen for awhile. ; Picture taken in 1983

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Well the Safari trucks don't quite meet the definition (since they just go in a circle, and you enter/exit in the same basic area)...but the skyway is an excellent addition, as is the Main Street horse-drawn carriage. ; And the old classic peoplemover too.
"Paul" said:
I agree, Bill that is a great shot. ; Maybe they will both return someday.

I highly doubt it. ; The Skyways are basically gone for good; Busch Gardens' accident with one a few weeks ago is going to help ensure that. ; I know that the San Diego Zoo still has one, but it's a special added ticket. ; DL even filled in the Matterhorn.

The Peoplemover will not be returning at DL; safety regulations[nb]Cal-OSHA has primary jurisdiction[/nb] would dicate that it would be a tight wire mesh enclosure at the minimum, so it would like getting a ride in a jail car - and you wouldn't be able to see much. ; For an example, see Mickey's Fun Wheel at DCA.
Another 1983 shot of the peoplemover at sunset. ; Time has not been as kind to this photo as it was to my previous post.

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Thanks Craig. I found a photo of a Dixie Landings boat taken in 1993

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Another 1993 photo of the boat to the island in the MK.

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