Who loves Disney Transportation!?

I stink at panning granted I haven't tried it much but I'm no good at it. Great job Craig the panning looks great with both forms of transportation.
Extremely cool shots Craig! That's just about the best shot I've seen of a Disney bus - looks like something from the bus manufacturer's brochure.

And nice to see a good full shot of the ferry.

We're covering just about everything in Disney transportation so far. Hopefully still more out there to come!
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Thanks everyone!
Here's a boat at the yacht club

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And another boat in Epcot

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the catamarans you can rent

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one of the resort launches at sunset

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Great panning Craig!

Here's one I took in January.

gary...my 7th photo in the original post is one of the Sassagoula ferries, approaching Marketplace. Same as the Marketplace, OKW, and Saratoga Springs ferries. Hopefully someone has a better shot of them up close.
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we're almost there, we need a surrey bike, a town car, a magical express bus, a disney cruise line buss(with the porthole windows), anyone think of anything else, oh yes, a shot of a set of tired,red,swollen feet
Craig that sunset shot is simply beautiful, nice work.

Barrie that shot is just as beautiful, great job. I like the longer exposure shots at night.
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