Who loves Disney Transportation!?

Excellent additions...glad to see the thread being kept up. ; I'm really jonesing to get back to Disney...I don't like going this long without a trip planned - going on 3 months. ; At least this thread keeps me pumped.

Love the cloudy sky and gold monorail.
I don't think I have posted this one yet. ; Here's a Disney Motor Cruiser going past Craig's Place. ; There's never a monorail around when you need one!

With or without the monorail, that's a very nice shot Scott - perfect building angle and the boat going by.

And the F&G monorail is lovely. ; I hope I get the chance to see it myself this year.

My attempt at getting a good shot of the monorail. ; Something I have always struggled with.


  • monorail.jpg
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"Roger" said:

Seriously I was expecting a pic from Tim of it by now.


Working on it. ; I'll try not to disappoint you. ;

GREAT job, Jim.

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Avengerail doesn't quite have the ring of Tronorail. ; Maybe Avengorail. ; Maybe Monovenger. ; SHIELDorail. ; None of those seem to have quite the same flow. ; Maybe they should have decorated the Peoplemover, then it could be the Avengermover.
"Tim" said:
Working on it. ; I'll try not to disappoint you. ;

Disappoint? ; I'm still on my 'not going to WDW until Pandora opens' shtick. ; Barring a work trip but I'm not going to be going to that conference at the Boardwalk anymore. ; Well probably not and even so the next one isn't until 2014. ; Work conference this May is in Vegas.

Just wanted to see a better pic than the brief ones I've already seen :)
I can try to see if I can get something for you. ; I ; can't while working, but I have a few spots that I think I might be able to get a nice clean shot of it.
The BLT bridge should be a nice spot to catch it coming into Contemporary...or from the Ft. Wilderness launch dock in front of MK as it comes across the main entrance.
"haunteddoc" said:
Thank you. ; Has anyone heard that Pandora Land may be belly up?

I saw that rumor/heard of it. ; Also heard the rumor that the Test Track refurb was also belly up but it's still on the schedule.

If it really was belly up, I don't think the Disney Parks blog would have published an interview where Joe Rohde was discussing that he's working on it. (just a few days ago!!!)

http://disneyparks.disney.go.com/blog/2 ... ievements/

I think the rumor may be coming from inside sources who think that it belongs in Tomorrowland, not DAK. ; (Probably the same people who hate the characters in Epcot)