Who loves Disney Transportation!?

Thanks Scott. ; Wish I had thought of the complementary colors but just took what ever came by. ; Nice lesson. ; Thank you. ; I also tried to get some abstract shots like you suggested on your blog . ; Hopefully will be posting some soon. ; Tough assignment.
Look forward to seeing what you got, Doc. ; I had a tough time with the assignment as well. ; Fun to try new things though.
Tough but fun. ; My mind has been hard wired for the sciences for so long it's very difficult to try and see the artistic side of things. ; The desire is there but the circuitry is still in R&D.
"haunteddoc" said:
Very nice , where were you standing for the second one?

Thanks Jim! ; It the middle of Seven Seas Lagoon, we rented a Boston Whaler, that day. ; I remember it being VERY HOT in the sun! ;
Me too...I take those boats all the time, even when staying in other resorts - I bus to the Ft Wilderness or Wilderness Lodge just to ride the boat into MK.
John and Scott, great shots. John, I really like those monorail shots. I didn't really get the chance to take many this past trip.
"HPS3" said:
John and Scott, great shots. John, I really like those monorail shots. I didn't really get the chance to take many this past trip.

Thanks Harry!

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Great shots guys. I atoo am a big monorail fan, but I really like Scott's boat shot with the Contemporary in the background.
"Coo1eo" said:
Great shots guys. I too am a big monorail fan, but I really like Scott's boat shot with the Contemporary in the background.

Why, thank you, Leo. ; We are going to get along just fine on the 29th.
Indeed we will Scott. And I found out that my TMIP approved tripod setup shipped today & will arrive on Monday so I will be all set to go.