WAI: Light Fixture Game

The gift shops- there are two- Ziwani Traders and Mombasa Marketplace- not sure the name of the bathrooms..lol and Red got the QS resturaunt....
I don't think you guys should have to wrack your brains for this, but if you want to, I'll hold back on the exact location a bit longer. Any last guesses?
I was looking at old photos that I took at the shops and neither the lights nor the ceiling texture fit completely. I'm betting that this is overhead in the covered seating at the Dawa Bar. It has the same beam structure, just can't recall if the lights are baskets.
It seems like Red always has the GPS coordinates since he locked on to this one perfectly. It is indeed the covered seating at the Dawa Bar. Great job!
Time for another round! I'll try my best to keep up to date with the guesses since I have a few lined up. This one should be easy, but let's see if you guys can get those GPS coordinates :p

Hahaha I never saw it that way until now! And now I can't stop thinking about cookies ...

I wish Tom Sawyer's Island had better lights; it would've helped my wife avoid the rock overhang that bumped into my wife's head! :mad:
How about that dino digging place at the animal kingdom?

You got it! It's in the boneyard by the jeep. It's a great place for kids, but I think it was a lot of fun to just walk around and see all the details and read the story about the archaeologists.

Let's go with this one ...

Going to stay in the Magic Kingdom and walk back down main street- perhaps I shall take a look in Arribas Brothers......;) for this lovely light fixture.....
Haha I can see why you'd think that and I'm sure there's a chandelier similar to this one, but I don't think I could've gotten this angle with that one since there's a glass-blower sitting right under it!