WAI: Light Fixture Game

You guys have the most amazing guesses. I wanna be like you guys when I grow up, knowing all these different locations and spots that very well could have similar light fixtures. It's crazy! Great guesses, Tim and John, but Red gets this one. I gotta admit, I was trying to get a picture of that Hidden Mickey at the time and I didn't really look at the light fixture. Can you believe it?!?

Here's the Saturday edition of the Light Fixture Game, good luck, this should be an easy one!

Hallway/entryway of the Brown Derby. ; Drawings in upper right corner give it away. ; FYI, the only reason I knew the writers nook was because I went on a small hidden Mickey hunt on a previous trip and that was one of the ones I found.

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And honestly, I didn't start paying attention to light fixtures until this game started. ; Most of my guesses are based off of the theming around the lights. ; So keep them coming.

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Ditto Red... between Scott Kelby posting a lantern from Morocco on his blog one day and this thread, I feel like I need to shoot a bunch of light fixtures this December!!!
Sorry I went mia for such a long time! It's been a bit busy and I've been looking for a light fixture since I think I'm running out ... guess it's time to go back ; ;D

Happy to hear that this game sheds light on the fixtures around WDW. Glad I could enlighten all of you with my obsession. Perhaps the illumination ... ok, I'll stop.

Let's go here!

So they look like they might be hanging above beds (due to the spacing and wallpaper design) so I will guess that they are in a guest room at the Grand Floridian.

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You've certainly got a knack for deducting the locations based on spacing and context, Red! You're right in that they're hanging over a bed, but it's not at the Grand Floridian. ; 8)
Okay, not at a resort but still over a bed. ; Now to figure out where there are beds displayed throughout the kingdom. ; First stop (and total guess) how about Carousel of Progress. ; Do they show a bedroom in the modern scene?

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Good guess, Red! I like your thought process. I once tried taking a picture in the CoP and my wife stopped me because it's not allowed and she's not in favor of breaking rules ;)

I don't think there's a bedroom in the modern scene either, I think it's a living room with grandma and junior playing the space game, the burning turkey in the smart kitchen, the uncle sitting on the couch, and Rover looking as young as ever ; ::)
I'm back folks!! Wow, has it really been over 6 months? o_O My sincerest apologies to anybody who might've been on the edge of their seat as to where the last WAI: Light Fixture was from (I imagine you've thrown away the chair by now). The last light fixtures are from the VISION House in Innoventions East at EPCOT. It's in the bedroom of the Monteverde parents!

And now, for my next trick, behold!


Happy guessing!
This is pretty much the answer, but if you've got the specific name of the space, then we've got a winner winner chicken dinner :D