Animal Kingdom night photo meet Dec. 2

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I love the moon idea- especially if we can find a spot farther away and use longer lenses- so the moon is larger and more prominent in the picture. ; Here are a couple I did a few years ago on a trip in May. ; The EE lights were out for some reason. ; From the same spot- first is at 17mm and second is at 55mm on a D80.


Nice shots, Jeff. ; The silhouette of Everest is really cool.

I just went outside and had a look at the rising moon and was surprised at how fast it rises. Thirty minutes after moonrise it was 5 degrees above the horizon, plenty high for good photos. ; I'll have to revise my earlier comment and say we should be in position no later than 6:15.

If any of you will be in AK beforehand (Scott and Gary, maybe?), you might want scout out spots with good visibility of Everest. ; Flame Tree is the obvious best spot, but if we have to move further east, there is a path along the river between there and the Nemo theater. ; I can't remember if there are any good photo spots along there.
This meet has been added to the calendar. ; I wish I was there as
well. ;
I took these at 4:15PM today. ; Could someone lookup the exact time of moonrise for 11/29/009. ; That will give us an idea about when the moon will be visible over Expedition Everest. ; This was taken from the viewing area we'll be using on December 2nd.


Zoomed in...


I'm off to Epcot for dinner and Illuminations. ; See PMer's soon!
Thanks, PM and Craig. ; I got excited seeing the moon about where I thought it would be. ; However, for those coming down, the weather is not looking great for tomorrow night. ; We'll still be meeting and, I am sure, we'll find lots to photograph no matter what Mother Nature has in store for us.
Moonrise is just over an hour later each night, so if we can't do "moon over Everest" on Wednesday, maybe we can get "moon over Space Mountain" on Thursday (7 pm) or Saturday (9:17 pm), or "Moon over Mexico" on Friday (8:07 pm).
"ddindy" said:
Moonrise is just over an hour later each night, so if we can't do "moon over Everest" on Wednesday, maybe we can get "moon over Space Mountain" on Thursday (7 pm) or Saturday (9:17 pm), or "Moon over Mexico" on Friday (8:07 pm).

Good point, Dennis. ; Have a safe trip tomorrow!
Depending on the weather Wed evening, there may also be a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral between 7:21 to 8:41 p.m. EST. I'm not sure how visible it will be, but night shuttle launches are very visible. It's possible we could also catch the ascent trail in a long exposure shot.

"ELinder" said:
Depending on the weather Wed evening, there may also be a rocket launch from Cape Canaveral between 7:21 to 8:41 p.m. EST.

Is it a military launch? ; I don't see anything on NASA's current schedule.
"ddindy" said:
Moonrise is just over an hour later each night, so if we can't do "moon over Everest" on Wednesday, maybe we can get "moon over Space Mountain" on Thursday (7 pm) or Saturday (9:17 pm), or "Moon over Mexico" on Friday (8:07 pm).

Yes...moon over Mexico! ; I always liked that one.

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"zackiedawg" said:
Yes...moon over Mexico! ; I always liked that one.

good one Justin.

Reminds me of my old school film tricks:


Haven't uploaded my Paradise Pier one done the same way....
"Jeff Fillmore" said:
Ugh- this weather forcast is killing me!

What? ; Clouds? ; Rain?

I had snow forecast for last night (but the tropical moisture didn't come up as far north, it's heading for LA and...hey, FL!), and it was in the low 40s today.

But hey, I'm packing shorts since it looks like the weekend and Monday are going to be warm![nb]Warm is relative; ask the shirt-free male skiers on the beautiful fluffy Colorado powder covered slopes. ; (they also forget to wear sunscreen)[/nb]
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