You knew it was inevitable...I'm back Jan 28-Feb1

I'll be there rain or shine - rain doesn't keep me from the parks, it just lightens my load...I won't bring my DSLR or phone or other electronic doodads that can get wet - just my compact camera in a waterproof case and an umbrella and some clothes that can get wet, and I'm there.

I don't have a firm schedule yet - I'm thinking most likely tomorrow I'll do a little DHS and downtown Disney...Friday may be a good Epcot day, Saturday I was thinking MK - though depending on rain, I could do a little touring too like hitting a few hotels along the monorail then work my way over to MK. ; Then Sunday probably AK - since Sunday looks to be the coolest day there which works well for me in AK. ; If I'm still moving around Sunday night after AK closes, I may do MK EMH. ; At any time, I may randomly stroll into Epcot since I'm at Boardwalk and it's so close.

My schedule is open to changes though - so I'll keep you informed each day on what I'm far, I'm thinking most likely MK on at least some of Saturday, so if that works for you and the weather doesn't get too mean, we can pick a spot to meet there. ; If crowds are low as they should be, there are usually tons of quiet spots to meet in MK, including ones sheltered from the rain!
Back to the UNmagic Kingdom...

Oh visit to the Magic Kingdom and World of Disney is over again, and back to the real world. ; Actually, I've been back since monday evening, but I've been either catching up at work during the morning through early evening hours, or working on sorting, cropping, and processing photos from this trip in the later evening I've stayed off the boards for a while.

This'll just be a short 'hi' since I am at work, and need to get to work (I was on hold, so I figured I'd pop in for a quick update).

Disney was lovely as usual, weather was pleasant for 4 of the 5 days, a little drizzly and wet for one of the days, parks were not crowded the first two days, and highly unusually crowded for the second two days (not Memorial-day levels...waits were 15-20 for the slow rides, and up to 40 for the fast ones)...not something I expected at all this time of year. ; Then again, I don't think there's such thing as slow season anymore at Disney, with the constant promotions they squeeze in during the previously slow times to fill the parks. ; Much of the crowd was Brazilians...that I'm used to this time of year, as it's their summer break time.

Met Stitch on the ONE rainy day...but we still had a good time roaming MK taking photos of signs and numbers. ; Actually it didn't rain for the first hour and a half, until we stopped for lunch...and we got to see the 'rainy day parade' which I must admit I never saw before...short but fun, and anytime you see something new at Disney, it's fun. ; We hung for about 3 hours before the rain finally cut into our photography - fading light in the late afternoon and constant drizzle didn't make it easy, and I had put away my DSLR by the end of the day and switched to my ultracompact and waterproof case.

Hopefully, I'll wrap up my pics in the next two nights...I'm about 1/3 through now, and should be able to knowck out another 1/3 tonight!
WB Justin.

Glad to hear it wasn't completely rained out! ; Personally, I'm glad to finally be able to plan my next trip....except that I'm going to see World of Color and Captain EO Tribute (yes, they accidentally posted the show entrance poster for a few minutes before covering it up). ; No Legoland planned for this trip, just several days at Walt's Park and Parking Lot.
Re: You knew it was inevitable...I'm back Jan 28-F

It was a lot of fun hanging out with Justin. I ate at Pacos Bills for the first time and the rainy day parade was fun. The rain wasn't so bad, but the number of construction walls was disappointing. Crystal Palace, Plaza Ice Cream, The Tomorrowland Noodle Station, The Train Station were just a few of the things that were blocked off. And the TTA wasn't working. =(

But still had a great day!
Yeah...forgot to mention that TTA disappointment! ; It was actually running, but they weren't loading them. ; Checked two times a few hours apart too, but just empty cars running around the track.

There were quite a few construction walls up...most didn't have much effect on me, but certainly they restricted the photo opportunities. ; Splash Mountain was also walled up. ; Over at Epcot, most was open, except no Living with the Land and Off Kilter, and some scaffolding and covers in Italy.
Imagination wasn't down for "roof repairs" yet? ; ;D[nb]I know, I know, they're waiting for late February to see the response.[/nb]