I'll give you that much, but our previous shirt for Mulch... Wouldn't the name Mulch, Sweat n' Shears have been protected as well. I'm not arguing to leave everything as is, I guess I'm asking if that is something we missed but also zazzle missed with the original fan tee site...I agree on the professional art.
One comment comes to mind after looking back over the options. I don't think we should include the name of the resort or even the full name of the bar on the shirt. Disney protects those names and we wouldn't want Bob to get in trouble for using it if he chooses to. I think "ruling the roost since 1997" is probably enough of a location identification.
Also does anyone know Bob's T-Shirt size? It would be awesome to surprise him with one.
I'll give you that much, but our previous shirt for Mulch... Wouldn't the name Mulch, Sweat n' Shears have been protected as well. I'm not arguing to leave everything as is, I guess I'm asking if that is something we missed but also zazzle missed with the original fan tee site...
Good call. We don't want to fight Disney legal. And if I had to guess Bob's size, I'd say large. Anyone going to see him this summer who could ask?
You're right... And that's what I had run into when I had the "Gary's Grande" tees made. Had to be sure to point out to the printers that they were going to be one-off tees that were for a small group and nothing more. On the other hand, other printers could care less and will allow you to print anything. ( I'm sure they figure they have some type of "out" if hit with a lawsuit)It probably was, but I didn't think about that at the time. As for the original fan tee site, Zazzle can't keep track of everything, so unless someone reported it, they probably never knew.
If we were just printing a small number of them to wear once, I don't think anyone would care. Once someone starts selling them, it could be an issue if the wrong person gets bent out of shape over it.