Would the new tax stop you from going?

No, but adding almost 10% to the price overnight will kill a lot of business. The APs will be hurt the most.
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Since I've never been to DL, no it would not stop me from going just to see it. But I definitely agree with Roger that it will definitely hurt business big time.
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"Roger" said:
No, but adding almost 10% to the price overnight will kill a lot of business. The APs will be hurt the most.

I'm surprised Disney tickets haven't had the heck taxed out of them yet. It always seems that things like car rentals, hotel accommodations, and entertainment tickets always seem to have all these extra taxes applied in order to pay for sporting venues or some other insane thing where they are hoping to fleece the tourist instead of the immediate local
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"Grumpwurst" said:
where they are hoping to fleece the tourist instead of the immediate local

Ahh because they know DL is more of a local park rather than an out-of-town park.