Wishing I was someplace warm


So after -40 temperatures for the past couple of days, I so wish I was in Disney World right now. ; I would even take the temperatures that we had on our first trip, and it was chilly. ; It is so hard to get up in the morning and go out to warm up the car and get out to scrap off the ice. ; Brr!! ; I can't wait for a chinook because the roads usually don't get plowed well because the chinook will take care of the snow. ; Well the roads are pretty crappy these days so I can't wait for temperatures to get warmer. ; I am tired of the hour long commute to and from work instead of a half hour.
That really sucks.........I won't tell you what our temp for today is.

I am not looking forward to the snow and colder temps either. ; However, for Christmas my hubby is buying me an autostart, so I won't have that much scraping to do............and I park in our garage overnight, so it will only be after work or when I am out that I have to worry about it.

I do agree that it would be a nice time to head back to Disney........
Heh... I have no such qualms, because I know that we're in for a pummelling in the near future ;) ... so temps here were expected to hit 16 today (although it's 1:15 now and 12 degrees... so I doubt it'll get any warmer)... they're talking snow for the weekend, though.

Ah, Canada... where it can be sunny and warm and bitterly cold and snowy/icy at the same time on any given day. ; (ANY given day... I have a weather print out at home from June one year for Iqualuit calling for a blizzard(!) although temps in T.O. were in the high 20s)
I couldn't believe it.... ; my buddy and I went for our three mike noon-hour hike outdoors... and worked up a sweat!!! ; Oh well, I know we'll pay for it soon! ; ; ::)
Just heard we are going to warm up this weekend to around 12. ; I will believe it when I see it, but that is crazy. ; From the start of the week like -40 to the end of the week to like 10. ; Yippee, can't wait to open the windows at our place and get some of that warm air this weekend. ;