Wishes leaving, MSEP returning, all part of Summer Nightastic!

Re: Wishes leaving, MSEP returning, all part of Su

I almost came to tears the last time I saw Wishes at WDW (Spring of 2009) with the parents. ; Between the little girl's voice and the background music. ; " Star light, Star Bright..." Wow. ; Realistically, it is nice to see something different, but I will still miss it until it's return.


Wishes... pre-Tripod
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I'm upset that I'm not going to be able to get down to the ; world to see nightastic or the electrical parade, since I've never seen it. But Spectro Magic is also a great parade and I'm glad it will be back when I head back in 2011.
"dishippy" said:
I'm upset that I'm not going to be able to get down to the ; world to see nightastic or the electrical parade, since I've never seen it. But Spectro Magic is also a great parade and I'm glad it will be back when I head back in 2011.

FYI while WDW hasn't decided what to do in 2011, Disneyland doesn't want the parade back until 2012[nb]Something about too much construction, and the parade doesn't fit in Radiator Springs.[/nb], so I'm guessing that Summer 2011 will see MSEP at MK again.
I'm guilty for going to visit Hogwarts...but only for two nights.
I remember this parade when I visited Disneyland when I was 6. Well, maybe I remember that I went to see it, I don't remember too much about it except that Cinderella blew me a kiss ; :-*
I'm curious as to what the new effects on the TOT will be. Can't wait for the end of May!
WDW has announced that Summer Nightastic will run from June 6 to August 14.

I had hoped it would last through Labor Day so I could make a quick trip down and avoid the crowds. ; Maybe they'll change their minds.