J Jeff Fillmore Member Sep 10, 2010 #1 As if I needed another reaon not to do them... http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2010/09/09/ricks.fotos.wedding.fight.cnn?hpt=C2
As if I needed another reaon not to do them... http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2010/09/09/ricks.fotos.wedding.fight.cnn?hpt=C2
Roger Member Staff member Sep 10, 2010 #2 Oh boy....hopefully those weren't RED cameras he was throwing around. And I'd love to see those wedding pics. "Here's the one where {REDACTED} threw a punch at the videographer, and this is the one that the videographer tried kicking him back"
Oh boy....hopefully those weren't RED cameras he was throwing around. And I'd love to see those wedding pics. "Here's the one where {REDACTED} threw a punch at the videographer, and this is the one that the videographer tried kicking him back"
M mousefan Member Oct 5, 2010 #4 Nothing to do with the story, but that would suck for Rick Sanchez if that was one of the last stories he did at CNN before he was canned!
Nothing to do with the story, but that would suck for Rick Sanchez if that was one of the last stories he did at CNN before he was canned!
W WillCAD Member Oct 6, 2010 #5 Ay Dios mio! Here's another one I love: Wedding Photographer Falls Into Water Fountain