Re: Who knows where I left my china?
No...though looks like you took my clues - in fact, my last clue works surprisingly well for your guess, even though that wasn't how I intended it! ; (I guess you went with the 'talking heads' idea...I was going for one of their songs!).
Nope...not yet. ; I've dropped a few clues previously as well. ; I guess I should summarize some clues (I won't say what the clue is...just repeat the sentence where the clue is) since this is still unsolved:
Now, I'd have to say it's getting truly southern-style heat, rather than just warmth.
Liberty Belle was much Tabascosauce - a good, nice heat!
Hall of Presidents isn't it - the dock is closer. ; Nobody's landing it yet though.
I'm going to have to put a homing beacon on this thing to find it!
You might use a flashlight at night to help hunt for it, but it should be plenty visible during the day.
I'd think David Byrne could figure it out...but he's not a TMIP member yet.
By Joe, I think those are all the clues so far! ; But don't ask me to reveal the answer yet...that dog don't hunt.