Who knows where I left my china? (SOLVED)

Re: Who knows where I left my china?

No...not at Aunt Polly's, or from there. ; You might use a flashlight at night to help hunt for it, but it should be plenty visible during the day. ; I'd think David Byrne could figure it out...but he's not a TMIP member yet.
Re: Who knows where I left my china?

No...though looks like you took my clues - in fact, my last clue works surprisingly well for your guess, even though that wasn't how I intended it! ; (I guess you went with the 'talking heads' idea...I was going for one of their songs!).

Nope...not yet. ; I've dropped a few clues previously as well. ; I guess I should summarize some clues (I won't say what the clue is...just repeat the sentence where the clue is) since this is still unsolved:
Now, I'd have to say it's getting truly southern-style heat, rather than just warmth.
Liberty Belle was much warmer...like Tabascosauce - a good, nice heat!
Hall of Presidents isn't it - the dock is closer. ; Nobody's landing it yet though.
I'm going to have to put a homing beacon on this thing to find it!
You might use a flashlight at night to help hunt for it, but it should be plenty visible during the day.
I'd think David Byrne could figure it out...but he's not a TMIP member yet.

By Joe, I think those are all the clues so far! ; But don't ask me to reveal the answer yet...that dog don't hunt.
Re: Who knows where I left my china?

Beacon Joe's cabin on the River's of America
Re: Who knows where I left my china?

"Tim" said:
Beacon Joe's cabin on the River's of America

I was trying to figure out the names of some of the stuff you can see from the dock, that looks like it could be it. ; What song by the Talking Heads? ;
Re: Who knows where I left my china?

That's a godd guess Tim. I just hopped in on this one but won't even get in a guess because I think you have it.
Re: Who knows where I left my china?

Indeed - Tim has landed it! ; Nice work. ; Just to reveal all the clues:

southern-style, tabasco - both hints as to the Louisiana swamp type setting.
I forgot one actually - when I said the best guess was 'by you' - code for bayou.
Landing, for Alligator Landing.
Homing beacon for Beacon Joe.
Flashlight at night to hunt - for 'alligator swamp' - alligator's eyes glow which is how hunters find them at night.
David Byrne - Talking Heads...the song is 'Take me to the River' for Rivers of America.
By Joe, for Beacon Joe.
Dog don't hunt, for Joe's dog.
The talking head clue was misleading at least for me, the song that ran through my head was burning down the house
Yeah, the Talking Heads clue on its own wouldn't have helped much - I figured it might be a loose clue as an addendum to the others, but when I think about it now, the talking heads/singing busts in Haunted Mansion and the Burning Down the House references would both seem to hint that way!