As I have seen other's say here, try them all out. I was sure that I was going to get the Canon when I picked up both the Canon and the Nikon...the Nikon fit my hand better, felt better to shoot with.
One of the ladies that I work with is looking for a good (dSLR type) digital camera to take good pictures, and she may want to really get into photography as a hobby, not just a way to take family pictures. She asked me what I had, and I told her. She asked me if I recommended my D80, and I told her absolutely...and proceeded to tell her to try the Canons, the Nikons...and the Sony's. She was shocked, sure that I was going to tell her one is better than the other. I told her the truth as I see the price point we are talking about, buy the one that has the lenses you want and fits your hand (and style) the best. They all have their pros and cons...I just happened to pick Nikon (and have no regrets).
Good luck! You'll find this group a great resource!