Where's the horsey horsey? (SOLVED)

Re: Where's the horsey horsey?

You've arrived on the correct river!

Tonight I'll post up the original, and officially label the thread as solved - but for now, I'll leave it up in case anyone wants to come up with the specific place where this can be found (maybe someone will have it in their photo archives).
OK...Goofmick gets the prize for Kali River Rapids. Looks like noone is going to zoom in any closer.

This is in the section just after you've passed through the Indian shop with all the trinkets in the queue. You come around the far corner, past the birdcage place, and pass a 'yard' to your right before entering the final rafting building. In that yard are scattered child's toys left around as if an Indian family lives there and the kids left the toys out. There is a tricycle sitting there in the yard, and just behind it, a hobby horse. Voila!

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