Where'd I park my Bike? (SOLVED)


Staff member
Posted this one last night, but it went off to Never Neverland with Peter Pan and the rest of the missing posts...so I"m putting it up again.

Anyone have any idea where my bike here happens to be parked?

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Re: Where'd I park my Bike?

Hey...look...excuse me...please...just a sec...ATTENTION PLEASE!!! ; Will everyone stop fighting over each other to guess! ; One at a time! ; Please, make an orderly queue, you'll get your turn!

OK...that's better. ; Didn't want everyone tripping all over eachother trying to guess at this.

Re: Where'd I park my Bike?

Ok I'll break the ice. ; This has a very "Anandpur in Animal Kingdom" look to it. ; So let's go with this for starters. ;
Re: Where'd I park my Bike?

Is that near where you take the pictures with Expedition Everest in the background?
Re: Where'd I park my Bike?

Good guess Tim! My first thought was Swiss Family Tree house but then I figured "how could they get a bike there?"
Re: Where'd I park my Bike?

Hmm I'm probably thinking that you've given some hints, so I'm thinking the queue for the Safari.
Re: Where'd I park my Bike?

A little bit closer than Roger...but still not at the destination yet. ; The right area is near, yet still so far!
Re: Where'd I park my Bike?

This isn't part of that secret village along the train tracks, is it?
Hmmm...you might be on the right track. ; I think you are steaming hot! ; Railly good guess.

It is indeed...catch a clue, or figure it out by the closing guesses?

I used this location once to good effect, so I figured it was worth trying one more time! ; Here's the original:

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