Where to next?!

Stone idol in boat ride temple scene.

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From another dark ride, another similar looking idol...

"Tim" said:

I haven't been on that one for years. It was closed for refurbishment when I was there in '06 and I don't think I went on it when I was there in '02
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"NitroStitch" said:
Wow, thanks! They're so beautiful and graceful...I end up standing there for a long, long time and taking a ton of pictures. :)

;) I do that at the Zoo now that we have a membership...

The Big Cats and the Bears are my favorites 8)

...my play in the game...A face in stone!

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"zackiedawg" said:
More lanterns with rustic wood structures:

That's no rustic wood structure, that's the Hotel California.

Rustic wood comes from rustic trees, that leave big trunks to walk through:

After they got their jeep to turn over, they played with <b>guns</b> in the <b>jungle</b>.

Tents Tents Tents

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Crates. Why did it have to be crates?


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