Where to next?!

Yacht and Beach Club


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Disney boat transportation:

World of Disney

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Gotta get the last one in before bed... And this one is a Twofer... Not only is it Stitch, but it is a Stitch Holiday (Halloween Party)

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Inflatable Stich

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I see a lot of BLue Lights... So I will go with a seasonal link... The Christmas Tree at the Dolphin.

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Holiday....Small World Holiday!


[me=Roger]thinks that everyone should try to visit Walt's Park at least once for the holidays...to visit IASW Holiday and HM Holiday. But not to play in the Walt Disney's California Adventure Sand Castles.[/me]
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*Colleen would love to visit the world but will have to suffice by playing the video of last years' Christmas Wishes and Very Merry Parade~

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