Where to Next - Numbers

OK...scoured for a '23' but couldn't find one...so I have to go with the '3':


Can anyone find a 24...or if not, a 4?

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24 Hour Drive Thru (Okay right outside Disney- I need Ice Coffee to drive home on!)

OK...25 I've got!

Here's our own Mssrs. Devine & Rose, modeling a TET "25" shirt for The Epcot Thing get together in Sep 07:

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Yay! ; The only place where you can get alcohol inside Walt's Park[nb]Assuming you know the secret handshake, and can afford the membership fees.[/nb]


Club "33"
A place that has been very well financed by one Mr. Devine - La Signature, street number "35", home of Guerlain:

The family stone, at the MK entrance (my mother and stepfather bought one, and surprised me by adding my name to it too - which I discovered when we went for our next family trip that following May).

Stone #E09 "39"6:

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Thats a nice story Justin, must have been a great moment!

here is New York Central"s # 937240

(Tin Toy exhibit @ EPCOT)

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