Where to Next: Disney Resort Hotel Edition

Birds by the ceiling. (Poly gift shop)[attachment=1]

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Wood beams on ceiling:


(oops...forgot to mention where! Thanks Msummers...it's Old Key West!)
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Thanks Michael for slapping me around - I forgot to put the 'where'...and I started the rules on this thread!! I amended the original post to include the where - it's Old Key West.
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Crazy Carpeting......Wilderness Lodge

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Public seating - Boardwalk.


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If my old memory is right this is Old Key Wset

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BB...that's not OKW...I believe it's Caribbean Beach Resort. Nice shot...and you've got the public seating in the shot too for the derivative. :)

Here's my derivative...

Pastel buildings with white decorative railings and inaccessible towers on a lakefront with a sidewalk and lamps:


This is Saratoga Springs Resort
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Lamp Posts at Yacht & Beach Club

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Wow Michael...that's a gorgeous dock shot! I love the yellows against that amazing sky.

OK...to continue...

Boat dock:


Yacht & Beach Club
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street light at Port Orleans

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