Where to Next: Disney Resort Hotel Edition

Red & yellow painted Boardwalk buildings:


(Boardwalk Resort from Beach Club)
oooh oooh I get to play!

Panoramic of CS: (funny since I'm scanning for archival purposes the roll where these came from right now)

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Another waterside view of resort:


(Grand Floridian)

p.s. - Roger, you're like an assassin lying in wait! I see the 'Where to next' threads are a few hours old, so I pop a few in there, and within minutes, you've ambushed and fired off rounds in both threads! Do you have a blinking red light to alert you when someone has posted?! ;) Nice work, btw. I've tried to get committed to archiving old film photos and negatives (and slides), but my god it's time consuming work!!
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"zackiedawg" said:
p.s. - Roger, you're like an assassin lying in wait! I see the 'Where to next' threads are a few hours old, so I pop a few in there, and within minutes, you've ambushed and fired off rounds in both threads! Do you have a blinking red light to alert you when someone has posted?! ;) Nice work, btw. I've tried to get committed to archiving old film photos and negatives (and slides), but my god it's time consuming work!!

No, but refreshing Firefox for Universal Binary is awfully quick. As for the scanning, the one thing I'll miss about APS is that I can batch scan the whole roll. Assuming that the software doesn't crash; it was written for the PowerPC, and KonicaMinolta has washed their hands of it. It *was* crashing about 12 shots into a batch. But now I'm doing batches of 12-14 at a time without any problems.
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I've got a slide scanner that I can do 4 slides at a time, or a strip of negative with up to 6 shots. But I still have to align the crop frames, trim them up a bit, sometimes little color corrections, fix blemishes, etc. It ends up taking me an hour to do maybe 8 shots fully cropped and cleaned. With thousands in archives...that's daunting! Though I am considering maybe just getting them all scanned without worrying as much about the finite cropping and correcting scratches and blemishes...just to get them stored...then worry about going back and fixing up the good shots later.

Space is an issue too - in digital alone, I'm already running about 200GB of photos...with all my photos and slides scanned, it could run me a terrabyte...which means new computer harddrive (preferably with a raid array running multiple drives), plus one or two external backup drives...and that's getting expensive!
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HD prices are plummeting...you can get a 1TB drive for almost $100 now. I've been thinking about the external box that will RAID for you, all you have to do is add the drives, but it was costly barebones. But I think the price went down recently.
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If and when I finally replace my current computer, which is about 4 years old, I'll likely invest in a raid, either in the box or an external like you mentioned. Just too much digital stuff stored that I'm nervous about losing. I haven't shopped the prices in a year or two - I picked up another portable external drive (500gb) because it was only $99 and my two 250gb ones are just about maxed out with my current hd backup. I'll probably back up my hd to the 500gb for now, and just my photos to the two older 250gb portable drives.
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More water shots (look, no BLT!)

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"zackiedawg" said:
If and when I finally replace my current computer, which is about 4 years old, I'll likely invest in a raid, either in the box or an external like you mentioned. Just too much digital stuff stored that I'm nervous about losing. I haven't shopped the prices in a year or two - I picked up another portable external drive (500gb) because it was only $99 and my two 250gb ones are just about maxed out with my current hd backup. I'll probably back up my hd to the 500gb for now, and just my photos to the two older 250gb portable drives.

Have you guys looked into the Drobo? I hear this is better than raid an allows for using just about any type of HD.
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"Paul" said:
Have you guys looked into the Drobo? I hear this is better than raid an allows for using just about any type of HD.

Yep. I've got one. Just installed it before Christmas
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at the risk of topic hijack, how do you like it? i have looked into this before.
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So far, I like it. I'm using it with the Droboshare as network attached storage, so its not going to be blazing fast in that configuration, but I'm only using it to store photos after I've processed them and uploaded my favorites to PBase. I usually don't have to access them very often after that, so speed isn't as important. Plus my dad and my sister are using it to store their images, so we needed to connect it to the network instead of directly to one computer.

It Right now is a good time to get them if you want to use them only for NAS. Places like B&H have the first generation Drobo (USB only, but Droboshare only connects via USB) on sale to get rid of them, so you can get a good deal on that setup. If you want to use it as an external hard drive, you'd want the second generation (USB and Firewire) for the extra speed.
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On the boat at sunset on the way to DHS

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Golf - Osprey Ridge


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Sorry, I retract the photo. It's not at a resort hotel.
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