Where to Next: Disney Resort Hotel Edition

Cool light fixtures:


(Wilderness Lodge)
What a wonderful Fireplace... so here is a Fire Pit...[attachment=1]
(Animal Kingdom Lodge)

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A BTW question - What happened in the world on Jan 13, 2007?

btw - I've just noticed something that my memory can't seem to bring up...I've got photos from 5 completely separate places in Disney from January 13, 2007...and in every one of them, the American flag is lowered to half-staff.

Anyone recall exactly what happened in the world, or what famous person might have died, that would have them lower the flags?

I might have been aware of it at the time, but can't recall anything now!
Back to the previous water feature... Just before sunrise:


... you can almost see the bear face from here

(Wilderness Lodge)
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Is it just me or does it look like one of those "fandango" bag puppets is looking out over the resort? (the triangular eyes of the Lobby building)... And what Bear Face might you be talking about?
"RedOctober25" said:
And what Bear Face might you be talking about?

The top two triangular dormers in the center are the eyes. The nose is glass around the teepee chandelier and the mouth is below that. At Christmas they make a smiley face out of lights to highlight the mouth. The best place to see the bear is from the water at night.

Here's one I took back in 2002. Sorry for the poor quality, its a bad scan from my film days...

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Well let's go with one more waterfall!:



Msummers - thanks for the half-mast identification...now I remember! I just could not recall what it was at that time of year...I didn't think back a month into Dec 06.
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You're welcome Justin. To be honest I had to look it up... I couldn't remember either.
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Luna Park at the Boardwalk:

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