Where to Next: Disney Resort Hotel Edition

Another resort area in panorama

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Closer view of same property from slightly different angle:

Fountain at a different resort

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Another fountain (maybe even the same one) but with a couple of kids (mine) next to it.

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My favorite resort sight. CSR entrance @ Christmas time.

Here's my next favorite. Looking at my favorite building to stay in at that resort.[nb]I am standing where the buses pull up at the Main Bus stop.[/nb]

Another bridge at Dixie Landings

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Lamppost at Port Orleans

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Lampposts at Dixie Landings

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Outside area of the food court building of a Port Orleans resort (French Quarter):


(Where I happened to spend a few hours on a couple of nights this past week enjoying beignets and coffee and chatting with friends from out of town).
Another lamppost, same resort.

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