Where might you find this alien antenna? (SOLVED)

Re: Where might you find this alien antenna?

Hmmm - you're using that brain, and that was a good try...but it's not there either. ; I'd be lyin if I said I wasn't enjoying how hard this one's turning out to be!

If I only had dropped some clues...
Re: Where might you find this alien antenna?

Wizard of Oz... Great Movie Ride

courageous, brain, heart, lyin', if i only (had a brain)... ; probably more
Wonderful! ; You followed the Yellow Brick Road! ; And you found the Great and Powerful Oz!

Yep, you got the clues. ; Other clues were 'colorful path', 'little' and 'wee', 'north, east, west' for the witches, and 'bigger than it looks'.

It's in the Munchkin land, across from the wicked witch when she pops up - the overly sized flowers that decorate the village. ; This is a closeup of one of those flowers!
I have noticed that I never seem to get any of the clues, but that might make me clueless.......

Well done Justin

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