Where is ZATT? (SOLVED)

So, where am I-ZATT?


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Re: Where is ZATT?

Okay, maybe this one is too hard. ; So here is a clue. ; Zatt is seen soaring over underwater scenes on crafty ideals energizing the young. ; Hope this helps...
Re: Where is ZATT?

Hmmm...are you a Wilson brothers fan maybe, or Mr. Anderson, perhaps? ; Or just a Bill Murray fan? ; ;)
Re: Where is ZATT?

So do I need to change the title to officially solved or do I need to wait for a near exact location?
Re: Where is ZATT?

Alright...just having a little fun with it, as I am a Wes Anderson fan myself. ; This is the helecopter used in the movie The Life Aquatic, which is seen on the backlot tour.
Re: Where is ZATT?

Crud... I forgot to make a big post out of it, guess I got to wait until 1000 posts now. ; Anyway, I figured an odd clue like that would stand out.
Oh yeah, here's the photo...

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Man, how do you guys remember all of these little details. ; I didn't have a clue as to where this even could have been. ; Nice work.
Wow I had no idea on this one. ; Justin you are quite the WAI savant!
To be fair...I knew it from the movie much more than from the location! ; I have always been a fan of Wes Anderson's films, and the collaboration with the Wilson brothers (Luke and Owen)...Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tennenbaums, Life Aquatic, and Darjeeling Limited. ; Funny enough, I thought Life Aquatic was the weakest of their films. ; But since I have them all on DVD...And I do remember that they added that prop to the backlot tour - the bold yellow color made me go right to that prop as the most likely location!
I figured that the Clue was way to easy given previous clues on previous WAI's.

"So here is a clue. ; Zatt is seen soaring over underwater scenes on crafty ideals energizing the young."

which equals "ZISSOU SOCIETY". ; That and the Helicopter flies over the ocean (soaring over underwater).
Funny thing...as obvious as that clue seems in hindsight, I didn't notice it before! ; Good thing I knew the movie, or I might have still been guessing.