All great guesses and everyone was honing in nicely...but Jeff was the winner of this one, for picking up the 'smoking' clue, and guessing the misting station:
Otherwise known as the Thirst Rangers Cool Scanner. They use a lot of the same architecture with those round holes in the metal, erector-set style...this one in particular has the right view from the right distance to the TTA. ; And notice these appear to be some of the only ones that have a 'screen' like mesh over the holes. ; See to the left leg, upper hole, for the original clue.
Some clues I had dropped were, of course, "Cool!", and keep "scanning" around, you guys are "smoking", and then the obvious hint as to the location. ; And the last was an obscure clue, "Pause" and think about Cool Scanner is sponsored by and serves Coca Cola, the 'Pause that Refreshes' (ancient tag line for Coke products from back in the 1920s).
Anyway...Jeff's got it, and great guessing everyone, including Red who was definitely firing shots all around the bullseye!
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