Where is my perfect home? (SOLVED)

Re: Where is my perfect home?

Nice sleuthing work, but one little detail threw you off - Holly isn't in Maine!

It's not at the first meeting site on the Coronado/Aztec looking building.

Walt himself is becoming disappointed that my home, which was once important to him, has not been found yet!
Where is my perfect home?

It took some concentrated effort of web searching to find the answer. ; I guess your cousin Holly moved to another part of New England. ; Hopefully you are not peeved at me for searching the net and give me the cold shoulder. ; I wont post an answer unless you want me too.
Re: Where is my perfect home?

Peevy's polar pipeline, red? ; I have never seen the Rocketeer so maybe you can flush his out ?
Where is my perfect home?

Looks like Tim narrowed it down. ; To the right (?) of Peevey's is "Holly-Vermont Realty" ; which back in the day rented a room above a garage to none other than Walter Elias Disney. ; So, during Pixelmania's Korkis Presentation we all stood by this door as Jim talked about taking photos to keep record of menus and prices for future generations.
BINGO! ; I'm home! ; Good job Red - nice detective work. ; Indeed, that door in the back of Keystone Clothiers was one of our Korkis stops...he mentioned the significance of the door and the Holly Vermont window sign, and how it had been Walt's first 'studio'. ; Clues dropped in here included:

List it for sale - for Realty company

Rent it out - since Walt rented a room here

then we narrowed it down to Echo lake and the Korkis connection was revealed.

Then I said you thought you were puzzle kings, well you're not...Holly Vermont Realty was on Kingswell street.

Then my cousin Holly in New England, for Holly-Vermont

Then Walt himself having significance to this place.

I actually remembered as JK pointed this window out and everyone was standing around listening, I was the only person I can recall taking a photo of it. ; So I figured someday down the road, I might use that for a Where Am I...but couldn't do it right away!