where and what to eat if....


well here goes im to be going to WDW next year possibly with the Dining plan..

I am Lactose intolerant, high fat intolerant (mainly things that are deep-fried I can tolerate a little oil) and I cant have anything Whole grain. Yeah ... Lucky me :(

I read about the snacks available on the plan and all these great meals and such but nothing I can eat... what I wouldn’t do to be able to eat ice cream... anyway back to the question at hand..

I know that table service meal should not be a problem as they do accommodate for people like me but what about counter service and snacks? what kind of snacks can I get in my situation....

any advice would be great
Make sure your Disney Vacation Specialist ; ;) know of your allergies so when making your ARD's for you that can be noted. Also you may want to contact the restaurant a day before you eat there to let them know of your allergies. When you do get to the restaurant let the greater know that you have an allergy and the chef will assist you in making your decisions. ;

As for counter service, just let a cast member know of your allergy and one of the managers will gladly assist you.

Hope this helps.
Since Disney has switched to being more health-conscience, they've added more whole-wheat items to their counter service. It's not noted on the menu. For example, most counter service has whole wheat buns for all the sandwiches/burgers and hot dogs. The buns did have small grains in them.

I personally preferred these choices, but my mom has a whole grain allergy and I made a mental note of these changes so if ever she went in the future she'd be aware. A lot of chicken nuggets are now made with whole grain too - not sure if that's true at WDW.

I'm sure there is a number where you could get info on what's "safe" at the counter services. Most places tend to have the same food. Like you said, Disney tends to be accommodating at the sit-downs, but I don't think the CMs at the fast foods and snack carts would be all that aware.

I would check out all the menus at:
and see what you think would be appropriate ... then judge whether the plan would be worth your while financially for your limited choices.
We also have a family member who is lactose intolerant and have found some snack items that work. ; Something you may want to check out are the Dole Whips. ; They are included in the dinning plan snack list and they are lactose free and really yummy! ; At the sit down restaurants they have something called rice cream. ; It is typically not listed on the menus, but if you ask for it, and explain your lactose situation, they will provide it. ; It looks just like ice cream and tastes like frozed yogurt.