Where am I? (Solved by Tim)

Re: Where am I?

I am going to throw out a completely random curveball here and say it's on a painting at American Adventure, the one that deals with the space race.
Re: Where am I?

Since we are throwing curveballs, I will toss in my two quick guesses in Spaceship Earth and Space Mountain.
Re: Where am I?

I don't think I've ever seen that one before. Can't wait to find out where it is.
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Re: Where am I?

FYI, I did a little digging and found this HM (I will pull myself from the running :-X ). Anyway, wow what a neat HM. I have been past this many times must have never really paid any attention to it. Good catch Doc.
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Re: Where am I?

Thanks, I'll give a hint tomorrow. Right now I am sick and going to bed. Physician heal thyself.
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Re: Where am I?

In this park and in this area of that park, once upon a time, you could fly around the country. Now you can fly to different worlds and beyond.
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Re: Where am I?

clue = if you had wings & dreamflight.
clue = to infinity and beyond.

buzz lightyear SRS.
Re: Where am I?

ok, i cheated and found it.
shameless, james, shameless.
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Re: Where am I?(Solved by Tim)

OK. And a government employee no less!!! Shame, shame, shame! Ok, I guess Buzz is close enough. It's the Asteroid Art Poster next to the fast pass line for Buzz.
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