What appeals most to 8-12 year old boys at the parks?

Ok - I know the princess dining up the ying yang - Cindy at the Castly, 1900 Park Fare, Restaurant Akershus. ; And girls love Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique (there is some gelling going on for boys) - but does it strike anyone that 8-12 year old boys are getting left behind at the parks? ; There should be more character dining opportunities for them. ; They'll go to the princesses with their sisters if they have to, and they'll even go see Mickey Mouse at Chef Mickey's, Donald Duck at Tusker, Stitch at Ohanas, and WInnie the Pooh at Crystal - they'll even go see Chip n Dale at Garden Grill. ; But there's no spot geared towards them really. ; Sure, the Grand Floridian has a pirate-like cruise that goes over big, but it seems that there is a huge potential not being tapped to me.

So, for those of you with 8-12 year old boys, are they just ride fanatics and are quite content to ride the big ones over and over again, or do you have the experience I've seen in some boys this age - their acted-upon bravado doesn't quite match up with their mouth, and some of the bigger rides make them a tad nervous.

I'd love to hear of others' experiences with this age group and what works best for them at the parks.
Power Rangers, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Stunt Show at DHS, Pirates, Buzz Lightyear at MK, Disney Quest, Water Parks and many of the thrill rides through out the parks.

Just guessing at this since I have the Hamettes.
Thanks - I thought of many of those too, but I have 4 nephews in the 8-12 year old range - they got tired of me buying them Buzz Lightyear stuff years ago, and have told me they are "past" power rangers too - you're probably right about the Star Wars (two christmases ago I gave same nephews Star Wars laser swords as part of their gifts - they were a big hit), and of course Disney Quest would appeal to that age group too.

Any other thoughts, gang? ; I know girls inside and out, like HamHam, but I find it challenging when I'm recommending spots and activities to appeal to 8-12 year old boys. ; (And, I always use christmas gift ideas to gauge activities too - this year, it's skateboard-related stuff - but Disney isn't into that!)
I would think that all of the theme parks at WDW would have some elements that would appeal to boys.
I'm sure they turn up their noses at the all the " princess stuff" but the whole Disney Experience is for the family and has something for everyone.

DD10 this past summer commented that boys must really like IOA, Islands of Adventure and Universal Orlando, Spider Man, Hulk, The Mummy, MIB.
Thanks - of course, you're right about those. ; :-) ;

I guess I kinda got in this frame of mind cause I was making dining reservations for a client with a couple of boys, and they were turning up their noses at all the character dining I'd suggested (it was their first trip there, so they had no frame of reference, really). Thought it was too kiddy oriented, or too girly. ; Silly little ones :-) - they didn't realize that adults are those with the biggest grins at Lilo and Stitch at Ohana's, or Chef Mickey's. ; Mom and Dad made one reservation for character dining just to experience it, and I've got them at Hoop Dee Doo, Fantasmic!, Sci Fi Dine In, and Rainforest Cafe But these boys put me in mind of my nephews - so I was thinking there was a huge marketing angle that Disney hadn't really tapped for the boy side. The pirate side of things is popular, sure, but it doesn't have the broad base and cache of the princesses (at least in terms of dining, marketing, multiple movies, etc.).
On our recent cruise, another family travelling with us had a 11 year old son. ; Once he got into the routine of deck parties, shows in the Walt Disney theatre, he absolutely loved all the character activities. ; I think the boys just need a taste of it and they to will thoroughly enjoy all the characters. ; As we all know Disney is for all ages to enjoy!
It's to bad they don't have the villans character breakfast any more. ; That would probably appeal to them. ; Don't forget the new T-Rex restaraunt for them.

"Sheila Gallant-Halloran" said:
Thanks - of course, you're right about those. ; :-) ;

I guess I kinda got in this frame of mind cause I was making dining reservations for a client with a couple of boys, and they were turning up their noses at all the character dining I'd suggested (it was their first trip there, so they had no frame of reference, really). Thought it was too kiddy oriented, or too girly. ; Silly little ones :-) - they didn't realize that adults are those with the biggest grins at Lilo and Stitch at Ohana's, or Chef Mickey's. ; Mom and Dad made one reservation for character dining just to experience it, and I've got them at Hoop Dee Doo, Fantasmic!, Sci Fi Dine In, and Rainforest Cafe But these boys put me in mind of my nephews - so I was thinking there was a huge marketing angle that Disney hadn't really tapped for the boy side. The pirate side of things is popular, sure, but it doesn't have the broad base and cache of the princesses (at least in terms of dining, marketing, multiple movies, etc.).
Here's a columnists view of The Magic Kingdom being all about the princesses.

Click on headline for link to complet article
In the world of Disney, the princess is kingCAROL CURRIE • PUBLISHED NOVEMBER 23, 2008 12:15 AM
In the world of Disney, the princess is king

Carole Currie


Unless you've been living under a rock (which apparently I have), you'll know that for little girls, Disney World in Orlando is all about princesses. Inspired by Disney, little girls have princess-themed birthday parties where they all wear their princess dresses (and they all have them), and either their glittery ballet slippers or their flimsy glass slipper facsimiles with little heels.

We went to Disney recently with our granddaughters and their parents and we got to experience the princess phenomenon firsthand.

When little girls go to Disney with their parents, they buy pink autograph books and sign up well in advance for highly sought meals with princesses. As we threaded our way through the park, we saw the storied princesses and other well-loved Disney characters standing here and there, inspiring long lines of girls with autograph books and pens.

My princesses back in 2006
You're right, the villians meal was popular (at least with my clients)... wasn't popular with the princess set, though! Princesses do seem to rule the day! ; (Thought it was just my house?)
You have already mentioned some good ones but I would add the Coral reef Restaurant in Epcot.

One entire wall of the restaurant is transparent so you can view into the Living Seas.

Boys will love it.

Goofy Steve