What 13 diamonds gets you....


Staff member


13 Diamonds: And you have to use the service elevator!

The nerve!

First the concierge explains where the service elevator is (on video too! What ever happened to service? Or Baby Jane? hmpfh.)


You can't even loiter in the library to see their wonderful collection of first edition Charles Dickens':


But then you have to walk through the boiler room with all of the servants:


But at least they use state of the art General Electric boilers: (although I wanted to see those new fancy electric irons, I heard it's been the best thing since electric streetcars. It's hard to imagine how life could be any easier....) ;)


Coming up next - the room. If I can ever get there! 13 diamonds and only one service elevator is running????
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I love the library shot. I've never bothered trying to get a shot in there--too little time before people pour in, and so little light.
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cool series, roger. i would ask for my money back, if you could find someone... they seem to be a bit tough to find.
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Finally on the way to the 13 diamond room!

Finally...the elevator.

Looks like we're stopping before our floor.


Why isn't anyone getting off?


ohhhhhhh. Is this hotel haunted? Wait...we seem to be going sideways....what is this, a Wonkavator? Wait, I think I see a door...





Finally we're going up. Hey.


I wonder if our room has this viewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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What???? I'm in the basement again?????


:D :D :D :D :D

Where's my luggage?

Well at least we have some entertainment while we try to find it!


Too bad there was some strange people, I think they call them paparazzi taking pictures of the group...they didn't want to entertain. They just wanted to ham it up for the "paparazzi".
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"Tim" said:
cool series, roger. i would ask for my money back, if you could find someone... they seem to be a bit tough to find.

I finally did. They offered to comp me an equivalent room at their other locations in Anaheim, California, Paris, France, and Tokyo, Japan. Not sure if I'm going to take their offer! ;D
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"Roger" said:
Too bad there was some strange people, I think they call them paparazzi taking pictures of the group...they didn't want to entertain.  They just wanted to ham it up for the "paparazzi".

I know not what you speak of.
roger, that library wide angle is outstanding. nice job with that one.
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Well, you can achieve it too. All you need to do is put the 14-24 on...wait, I meant the 14LMkII on..... ;D ;D ;D ;D
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6400 ISO don't look so bad for the web, Roger. I got to use a D700 a couple of weeks ago at a wedding shower. The bride's Dad has one and I had a blast using my little SB-600 at ISO 1600 with f/8 and f/11 apertures!!! I normally have to go wide open with on my D70 at ISO 400/800. It's a wonderful machine!
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