Well... we still haven't sold our house!!


The major issue seems to be some old "knob and tube" wiring in the house. ; It is pemitted under the rules, but many insurance companies refuse to carry you if you have it. ; We just dropped our price by 10-grand... ; and had one offer, but it was low. ; Talk about depressing ; :(
I really hope you sell your house soon for a reasonable asking price. ; Has it been on the market long? ; Do you plan on moving close to where you are living now?

I know my Dad soon might put his house on the market and he will probably run into the same problem with the wiring. It is a really old house and I suspect it will be on the market for a very long time or it will end up being bull dozed down to make room for a new house.
It's been on the market for almost two months (which I know isn't that long) and it seems like forever. ; We've had a lot of interest, but only one offer and it was looowww.

We have a conditional deal on a nice little bungalow about 10 minutes outside of town, but that is just about ready to expire... soooo...

Oh well, it's not urgent that we move, but we were hoping to for my wife's sake. She has bad knees and the stairs in our old two storey can be an issue. ; Touch wood though, her knees have been much better lately, thanks to the meds and the chiropractor.