Wedding Photographer... epic FAIL

at least they will have a story for their grandkids....

the was an addendum (if it's true) on youtube that said his gear survived the plunge. ; that would be a small miracle.
If it was 1D level gear I'd expect it to survive this. ; Someone once told me a story (that I can't actually verify) that said that people with the weather sealed type stuff will HOSE their lenses and cameras down to clean them. ; That sounds a little extreme to me, but..

On the minimum end I don't expect that kind of exposure to effect a compact flash card. ; I mean unless the fountain was filled with salt water. ; The pictures taken thus far should be fine. ; I expect that even if it's not weather sealed gear that the cameras and lenses shouldn't be destroyed and might just be in need of a thorough cleaning.
I have by accident ran thumb drives thru the wash that were left in pants pockets and they worked fine after the full cycle
"HW" said:
I have by accident ran thumb drives thru the wash that were left in pants pockets and they worked fine after the full cycle
me too, very scary, as it was my thumbdrive that I run my sites off of.