Weather check in



How's the weather in your neck-of-the-woods? ;

We had a little wet snow over much of eastern Ontario this morning, but no accumulation. ; It's raining now.
We have accumulation in Markham. It's been "snowing" all day (kind of hardish snow-rain). Very slushy though.

It certainly pained me to take back out the winter boots! ; :P
Started with rain this morning turning to snow flurries then back to rain and has stayed rain up until now!

Anybody else think it ironic that the Jays are having their Home Opener and it seems to always snow?????????????????LOL
raining here right now in Ottawa....had some snow this morning - it stuck around but nothing major
Some snow has fallen over night, only about 1cm.

we went outside and played in the snow today.....very glad I hadn't put the winter gear away yet
"highland3" said:
Everything is covered in a layer of white again this morning... ; it looks like February!!! ; ; :'(

Yup, and the flurries still keep coming! ; :'( Should be thawed by this weekend though ... fingers-crossed. Girls have short-sleeved dresses for Easter!