we are home!


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Just back tonight!

We had a fabulous trip (although the baby didn't adjust to the hotel/travel very well and I had many sleepless nights, and cranky baby during the day).

Bay lake was ok - nothing special (IMO) and we won't stay there again - but it was definitely nice to be able to walk to MK! We spent a lot of time there (1 full day, a half day and 2 evenings)

DHS wasn't very happening by the time we got to TS mania - it was a 60 minute line and htere was no way that my 3yo could wait that long.

Didn't do much in epcot (just nemo and figment - again, 3yo wasn't too interested) ; All the rides at MK we were on in less than 10 minutes - it was awesome. The only busy night was Saturday - every other time was dead - it was very strange for me.
Welcome back! ; We were at the MK as well on saturday and found it to be much busier than we like. ; Once you get settled, certainly share some pics and experiences.
thanks everyone!

Tuesday was an uneventful travel day. We got to the hotel around 7pm. ; Wednesday we headed over to MK at 9am and had a lot of fun. I didn't get to do very much because of Kyle - he wouldn't let anyone hold him, he wouldn't sleep and since he screamed a lot, I didn't want to take him on the rides and ruin it for everyone else.

Thursday morning we did Brekky at crystal palace, everyone enjoyed it and Kyle was pretty happy (but still needed to be held by mom) I did get to do some of the rides this time however (small world, haunted mansion, pirates)

Thursday night we had dinner at coral reef - I left half way thru because Jules was practically asleep at the table and screaming baby.

Friday was animal kingdom, screaming baby for 1 hr and then he slept for 2.5. Experienced the scariest moment of my life when my MIL lost ODS - he was out of our sight for about 30 seconds, and was about 50 feet away when I spotted him. Holding the baby as tight as I could, I ran (the fastest I ever have) I passed both my MIL and hubby and got him about 10 seconds before he came to a fork and could h ave gone 1 of 3 ways. Needless to say we didn't let the IL's watch him after that. I think he turned around and couldnt see us, and came looking - cause he was calling for us (didnt' seem scared) and when I got him he said Oh, there you are mommy)

Saturday we did DHS - in and out in less than 1 hour - not much interest for us

Sunday we did DTD and headed to MK at night for Extra hours and fireworks

Monday hubbby and I took the kids to epcot for nemo and figment, did the character spot!
It can be very challenging travel WDW with small children. ; You sort of got go with the way their behaviour is going. ; WDW is over stimulating for them, so melt downs are plenty. ; Sounds like you dealth with the kid challenge very well, although it can be very stressful. ; Losing a child there is a parents biggest fear and I understand how you felt. ; We never let anyone else watch DD3 other than us. ;

"weemcp" said:
thanks everyone!

Tuesday was an uneventful travel day. We got to the hotel around 7pm. ; Wednesday we headed over to MK at 9am and had a lot of fun. I didn't get to do very much because of Kyle - he wouldn't let anyone hold him, he wouldn't sleep and since he screamed a lot, I didn't want to take him on the rides and ruin it for everyone else.

Thursday morning we did Brekky at crystal palace, everyone enjoyed it and Kyle was pretty happy (but still needed to be held by mom) I did get to do some of the rides this time however (small world, haunted mansion, pirates)

Thursday night we had dinner at coral reef - I left half way thru because Jules was practically asleep at the table and screaming baby.

Friday was animal kingdom, screaming baby for 1 hr and then he slept for 2.5. Experienced the scariest moment of my life when my MIL lost ODS - he was out of our sight for about 30 seconds, and was about 50 feet away when I spotted him. Holding the baby as tight as I could, I ran (the fastest I ever have) I passed both my MIL and hubby and got him about 10 seconds before he came to a fork and could h ave gone 1 of 3 ways. Needless to say we didn't let the IL's watch him after that. I think he turned around and couldnt see us, and came looking - cause he was calling for us (didnt' seem scared) and when I got him he said Oh, there you are mommy)

Saturday we did DHS - in and out in less than 1 hour - not much interest for us

Sunday we did DTD and headed to MK at night for Extra hours and fireworks

Monday hubbby and I took the kids to epcot for nemo and figment, did the character spot!
My babies always turned into little beasts at the 4-month mark ... it seems they were early teethers and both had them by the end of the month. It was a new "pain" to them that interrupted sleep/eating patterns -- and made them quite miserable.

You seem to have handled the trip quite well ... not over-pushing. I hope you were able to reach a point of "personal enjoyment" despite the set-backs. ; :)
amw - I did enjoy it. Even though K was cranky most of the trip; to see the joy and wonderment on Juliens face - was worth every minute of Kyles crankiness. He had sooooo much fun with everything - it was priceless!