WDWFigment's August 2009 Photo Trip Novel

Figment, a wonderful series, very nicely written. ; I actually don't go to other forums anymore[nb]Anymore means more than once every 6 months or so[/nb], and there is only one Disney site that I check on every few days to see what is new...like that in 2010 you'll still be able to get a free admission to DL, but you'll have to perform community service first.

I still think that UWA lenses on dark rides have ONE more generation of sensors to go first. ; But there is a reason that Nikon hasn't updated their 14mm prime - since the 14-24 is practically perfect.....
"Roger" said:
Figment, a wonderful series, very nicely written. ; I actually don't go to other forums anymore[nb]Anymore means more than once every 6 months or so[/nb], and there is only one Disney site that I check on every few days to see what is new...like that in 2010 you'll still be able to get a free admission to DL, but you'll have to perform community service first.

I still think that UWA lenses on dark rides have ONE more generation of sensors to go first. ; But there is a reason that Nikon hasn't updated their 14mm prime - since the 14-24 is practically perfect.....

Thanks for reading! ; For a while, the only forum I was on was WDWMagic. ; Then I got into photography and that forum has no active photography sub-forum. ; So I came here and went to a sub-forum of another board. ; Now, I can't stop going to any of them because each have their own 'exclusive' posters whose pictures and/or insight I like to see. ; I like Miceage, too (only Lutz's articles), although I am a WDW person, and sometimes it seems Lutz has a vendetta against WDW. ; His information is still good, so I ignore his biases.

As for the UWA on dark rides, I dunno. ; Maybe for Pan and Haunted Mansion, but I got plenty of usable shots with it on SpaceShip Earth and Buzz, and I only have a D90. ; If I had a D700 or 5DmkII, I would have tried it on both Pan and Haunted Mansion. ; It obviously couldn't capture the caretaker or the graveyard scenes, but I think it definitely would've been passable. ; Certainly another generation of sensors will help (they always do!), but I think there's plenty of dark rides that can be tackled with that Tokina 11-16 right now.

As for the 14-24, I have never tried it, but have heard exceedingly positive things about it. ; The only negative seems to me to be the price. ; Maybe someday, although I don't know if I will ever be able to justify spending that much on glass. ; For now, I will hands down take the Tokina 11-16 and the $1,300 (roughly) in my pocket over the 14-24.
Great report...very detailed, fun to read, and nice shots to accompany the whole thing.

I like the shot you have at Saratoga's checkin, with the CM smiling over your shoulder...perfect Disney CM behavior!

I am so happy TTA will be back up when I'm there next month...such a disappointment in June when it was down. ; You do a much better job of staying last at the parks - I stay past closing, but never seem to be the last one out. ; I'm too chicken to be ushered out by CMs, so my own internal clock tells me I MUST be last and better head out, but when I get near the exit, I see how many people are still milling around.
I finally finished your novel, Tom, and I have to say it was great! ; Makes me want go to down soooo bad. ; (Just over three months until Pixelmania!)

One of the shots that caught my eye was the one of the Jammitors. ; Very interesting angle.

If you get bored some time when you're in Indy, PM me and we'll meet somewhere.
Thanks for reading. ; I need to re-process that Jammitors shot, I think it's a little flat as-is. ; I used the UWA to shoot them; I liked the results, too.

I almost contacted you this summer prior to the Air show (we didn't end up going...unfortunately). ; I believe you said in the past that you go every year? ; If not, maybe I am thinking of someone else. ; In any case, we aren't going to be back to Indy for a while, and when we are, I will be busy with work. ; Maybe over Christmas break or next summer, though?
So on a typical night, how long do you usually stay in the parks after "Official" closing time? ; And even though you have always caught a bus back to your resort, what is the Disney Line on how long the busses run after Park closure (if you know)? ; Not that I plan on pulling an All-nighter like your 4am departure from MK, but it would be nice to have a few shots of an empty park.
"WDWFigment" said:
I almost contacted you this summer prior to the Air show

Yes, I frequently go to the Indy Air Show. ; Feel free to contact me when you're in town.

The invitation is open to other TMIPers as well. ; Indianapolis may not be a tourist mecca, but with four major motorsports events and a whole slew of conventions, you may find yourself here someday.
Tom, the report was wonderful! ; I really like the shot of the Disney Hand plaque with the water fall behind it. ; Wonderful composition. ; The rest of the photo's are simply spectacular. ; I liked them all.

Some of your angles have given me some ideas to try to accomplish during Pixelmania! ; I'm sorry that you and Sarah can't be there for that.

You started to delve into the War & Peace length trip reports that I'm known for. ; I always kept my pictures small because the length would be intolerable if I didn't. ; I'm jealous that you get to showcase those awesome pictures in a larger format, but I seem to have a handicap in that I cannot say things in few words...haha

In fact, one day for my trip reports tend to run longer than this one you threw up for the whole trip.

On the positive side, that trip report style of mine is what caused Tim Foster to approach me about my Wandering the World segment in Celebrations Magazine
"Craig" said:
great trip report. I love the Epcot Center strap, very cool!

Thanks for reading!

"PolynesianMedic" said:
Tom, the report was wonderful! ; I really like the shot of the Disney Hand plaque with the water fall behind it. ; Wonderful composition. ; The rest of the photo's are simply spectacular. ; I liked them all.

Some of your angles have given me some ideas to try to accomplish during Pixelmania! ; I'm sorry that you and Sarah can't be there for that.

I really like that Disney hand plaque shot, too. ; I will have to go back and process it correctly, and post it on Flickr sometime. ; So many of those shots I was just in a rush to get processed that I did them poorly and in a hurry.

I really need to go watch a real pro or something and see how they do workflow. ; My methods seem terribly inefficient, but they are the 'only way I know'.

We are sorry that we can't be there for it, too. ; Christmas is our favorite time in the parks, and I am sure it would be a great learning experience for everyone. ; I can only imagine what you all will come back with.

"Grumpwurst" said:

You started to delve into the War & Peace length trip reports that I'm known for. ; I always kept my pictures small because the length would be intolerable if I didn't. ; I'm jealous that you get to showcase those awesome pictures in a larger format, but I seem to have a handicap in that I cannot say things in few words...haha

In fact, one day for my trip reports tend to run longer than this one you threw up for the whole trip.

On the positive side, that trip report style of mine is what caused Tim Foster to approach me about my Wandering the World segment in Celebrations Magazine

Despite becoming much more concise in academic writing over the past few years, my trip reports are steadily getting longer. ; I tried to inject more humor into this one, although I found myself running into several lulls where I just wrote with a "we did X, then we did Y, then we did Z" style. ; Whenever I realized I was starting to do that, I walked away from the report for a bit. ; Hopefully it was amusing. ; Minimally, more amusing than War & Peace. ;)

Finally finished reading your report and it was great. ; You and Sarah have great perseverance and thanks for providing such a detailed report. ; Great photos too!
"Paul" said:

Finally finished reading your report and it was great. ; You and Sarah have great perseverance and thanks for providing such a detailed report. ; Great photos too!

Thanks for reading!